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Mathematics at Science Day 2015

Hundreds of high school students converged on the UL Lafayette campus on Friday, 18 September 2015, to learn about the exciting programs and opportunities available through the College of Sciences. This year we had 800 visitors from 39 high schools!

Thirteen of our undergraduate students prepared posters and visual aides which they ably used to demonstrate some interesting mathematical results to our visitors. We are proud of our students and the wonderful job they did.

The thirteen students are: Alyssa Bienvenu, Joel Billeaud, Benjamin Deshotels, Alec Fontenot, Christopher Guillotte, Brianna Lawson, Rainey Lyons, Marina Ledet, Brian Maggio, Daphne Martin, John Patterson, Bailey Ross, and Alex Stewart.

A few photos from the mathematics venue at the 2015 Science Day are provided below.

Daphne Martin describes the use of random sampling and probability to estimate the area under a curve.

John Patterson and Cody Nash discuss the golden ratio and how it arises in nature.

Benjamin Deshotels and Alec Fontenot describe a counterintuitive application of randomization to increase the chance of winning a simple game.

Alyssa Bienvenu uses a geometric method to demonstrate the validity of some equations involving squares.

Joel Billeaud demonstrates the validity of some equations involving squares using geometry.

Rainey Lyons and Christopher Guillotte demonstrate how a cat could slip between the earth and a band around the earth if the circumference of the band was one meter larger than that of the earth.