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Statistics Alumnus Jamie Hebert is the new Provost

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Dr. Jaimie L. Hebert has been named provost and vice president for Academic Affairs at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. An Abbeville, La., native, Hebert holds a bachelor’s, a master’s and a doctorate – all in statistics – from UL Lafayette. He received his bachelor’s in 1986, master’s in 1988 and doctorate in 1990. He was most recently president of Georgia Southern University. In that role, he led the University System of Georgia’s consolidation of Georgia Southern University with Armstrong State University.

Before his appointment as Georgia Southern president, Hebert was Sam Houston State University’s provost and vice president of Academic Affairs from 2011 to 2016. “We are pleased to welcome Dr. Hebert home,” said Dr. Joseph Savoie, president of UL Lafayette. “In addition to his solid higher education credentials, he already is familiar with UL Lafayette’s mission and values. He shares our Ragin’ Cajun spirit.”

“I’m thrilled to return to my alma mater, bringing with me 28 years of experience,” Hebert said. “The University gave me my start and to come back to work at UL Lafayette is rewarding for me personally and professionally. UL Lafayette is an extraordinary institution. I’m looking forward to working with the faculty and academic administrators to continue the great progress that the University has seen over the last few decades.”

At Sam Houston State University, Hebert was dean of the College of Arts and Sciences from 2005 to 2011, and chair and professor of statistics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics from 1999 to 2005. He was an assistant and associate professor of statistics there from 1995 to 1999. Hebert was an assistant professor of mathematical science at Appalachian State University from 1990 to 1995.

His appointment as UL Lafayette’s provost and vice president for Academic Affairs is effective July 1, pending approval by the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors.