Collaborative Research: Computational Methods for Optimal Transport via Fluid Flows
Principal Investigator: Yangwen Zhang (Mathematics)
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 2432134
Amount Awarded: $56,877.00
Grant Period: 05/15/2024 - 06/30/2025 (Estimated)
Embedding Calculus and its Applications
Principal Investigator: Robin Koytcheff (Mathematics)
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 2405370
Amount Awarded: $150,000.00
Grant Period: 07/15/2024 - 06/30/2026 (Estimated)
Collaborative Research: IHBEM: Three-way coupling of water, behavior, and disease in the dynamics of mosquito-borne disease systems
Principal Investigator: Hayriye Gulbudak (Mathematics)
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 2327817
Amount Awarded: $146,041.00
Grant Period: 09/01/2023 - 08/31/2027 (Estimated)
Connecting ecosystem models with evolutionary genetics: Fitness landscapes, persistent networks, and phylodynamic simulation
Principal Investigator: Cameron Browne (math)
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 2413769
Amount Awarded: $261,226.00
Grant Period: 08/01/2024 - 07/31/2027
Higher Structures and Applications across Mathematics
Principal Investigator: Philip Hackney (math)
Sponsor: Board of Regents Support Fund, Research Competitiveness Subprogram, Contract Number: LEQSF(2024-27)-RD-A-31
Amount Awarded: $139,500
Grant Period: 06/01/2024 - 06/30/2027
Conference: Lloyd Roeling Conference in Topology at UL Lafayette
Principal Investigator: Robin Koytcheff (math) Co-PIs: Philip Hackney (math) and Daniel Davis (math)
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 2341618
Amount Awarded: $14,931.00
Grant Period: 01/04/2024 - 12/31/2025
Modeling Across-Scale Feedback of Pathogen Virulence, Host Immunity, and Disease Control
Principal Investigator: Hayriye Gulbudak (Mathematics)
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 1951759
Amount Awarded: $239,939.00
Grant Period: 08/01/2020 - 07/31/2025 (Estimated)
US:UK Collab: Multi-scale infection dynamics from cells to landscapes: FMD in African buffalo
Principal Investigator: Anna Jolles (Oregon State University) Co-PIs: Jan Medlock, Brianna Beechler, Hayriye Gulbudak (Mathematics)
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 2208087
Amount Awarded: $2,608,206.00
Grant Period: 10/01/2022 - 08/31/2027
Research Grant and Contract Awards with periods that ended recently
Multi-Scale Structured Models of Infectious Disease Dynamics
Principal Investigator: Hayriye Gulbudak (math)
Sponsor: Simons Foundation Collaboration Grants for Mathematicians
Amount Awarded: $42,000
Grant Period: 09/01/2019-08/31/2024
Algebraic structures and geometric phenomena in spaces of embeddings
Principal Investigator: Robin Koytcheff (math)
Sponsor: Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund, Research Competitiveness Subprogram
Amount Awarded: $137,644.00
Grant Period: 07/01/2019 - 06/30/2022
Structure and Cohomology in Fusion Systems
Principal Investigator: Justin Lynd (math)
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 1902152
Amount Awarded: $135,000.00
Grant Period: 08/01/2019 - 07/31/2022 (estimated), last amended 07/11/2019
Dynamics and Evolution of Virus and Immune Response Networks
Principal Investigator: Cameron Browne (math)
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 1815095
Amount Awarded: $143,738.00
Grant Period: 06/15/2018 - 05/31/2021 (estimated), last amended 05/31/2019
Strengthening Teacher Education through Mathematics & Science Teaching Scholars in Louisiana
Principal Investigator: Peter Sheppard (education) Co-PIs: Patricia Beaulieu (math), Kathleen Lopez (math), Pegge Alciatore (biology), Nathan Dolenc
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 1439900
Amount Awarded: $1,193,309.00
Grant Period: 09/01/2014 - 08/31/2020 (estimated), last amended 05/02/2017
Littoral Acoustic Demonstration Center - Gulf Ecological Monitoring and Modeling (LADC-GEMM)
Principal Investigator: Natalia Sidorovskaia (Physics); Co-Principal Investigator: Azmy S. Ackleh (Math), George E. Ioup (UNO), Stan A. Kuczaj (USM), David K. Mellinger (OSU), Christopher Tiemann (R2Sonic)
Sponsor: BP/The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative RFP-IV - Consortia Grants (Years 5-7, November 2014).
Amount Awarded: $5,200,000 ($680,000 continuation funding for 2019)
Grant Period: 11/01/2014 - 11/01/2017 extended 2019
High-Order Computational Methods for Beams and Plates with Applications to Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
Principal Investigator: Longfei Li (math)
Sponsor: Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund (BORSF) Research Competitiveness Subprogram (RCS)
Amount Awarded: $178,131
Grant Period: 06/01/2018 - 05/31/2021
Homotopy Theory: Tools and Applications
Principal Investigator: Vesna Stojanoska (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign) Co-PIs: Daniel Davis (Math), Charles Rezk (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Mark Johnson (Penn State Altoona)
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 1719242
Amount Awarded: $45,000
Grant Period: 07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018 (Estimated)
Littoral Acoustic Demonstration Center - Gulf Ecological Monitoring and Modeling (LADC-GEMM)
Principal Investigator: Natalia Sidorovskaia (Physics); Co-Principal Investigator: Azmy S. Ackleh (Math), George E. Ioup (UNO), Stan A. Kuczaj (USM), David K. Mellinger (OSU), Christopher Tiemann (R2Sonic)
Sponsor: BP/The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative RFP-IV - Consortia Grants (Years 5-7, November 2014).
Amount Awarded: $5,200,000
Grant Period: 11/01/2014 - 11/01/2017
Fast algorithms for large-scale nonlinear algebraic eigenproblems
Principal Investigator: Fei Xue (Math)
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 1419100
Amount Awarded: $180,000
Grant Period: 08/1/2014 - 07/31/2017(Estimated)
Nonautonomous Structured Population Models with Application to Amphibians and Associated Diseases
Principal Investigator: Azmy Ackleh (Math)
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 1312963
Amount Awarded: $235,000
Grant Period: 09/01/2013 - 08/31/2016
Louisiana Mathematics Masters in the Middle (LaM3)
Co-Principal Investigator: Patricia Beaulieu (Math); Co-Principal Investigator: Christina Eubanks Turner (formerly Math); Co-Principal Investigator: Kathleen Lopez (Math)
Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 1240054
Amount Awarded: $1,858,145.00
Grant Period: 09/15/2012 - 08/31/2017
A Freshman Mathematics Course to Develop Quantitative Reasoning
Principal Investigator: Kathleen Lopez (Math)
Sponsor: Louisiana Board of Regents
Amount Awarded: $50,000
Grant Period: 06/01/2014 - 06/30/2015
Uniform Persistence in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems with Applications to Epidemic Models
Principal Investigator: Paul Salceanu (Math)
Sponsor: Board of Regents
Amount Awarded: $60,666
Grant Period: 06/01/2012 - 06/30/2015
The Cutz Semigroup and the Classification of C*-Algebras
Principal Investigator: Leonel Robert Gonzalez (Math)
Sponsor: Board of Regents
Amount Awarded: $79,392
Grant Period: 06/01/2012 - 06/30/2015
Aspects of Parameter Estimation in Dynamical Systems with Delays
Principal Investigator: Karyn Sutton (Math)
Sponsor: Board of Regents
Amount Awarded: $89,157
Grant Period: 06/01/2012 - 06/30/2015
Computer Simulation Model Upgrade for Hurricane, Sea-Level, and Wetland Ecosystem Application
Principal Investigator: Azmy Ackleh (Math)
Sponsor: US Geological Survey
Amount Awarded: $50,000
Grant Period: 09/15/2013 - 09/14/2014
Modeling Population Dynamics with Explicit Spatial Components
Principal Investigator: Azmy Ackleh (Math)
Sponsor: US Geological Survey
Amount Awarded: $26,500
Grant Period: 08/15/2013 - 08/14/2014
Vermilion Parish MSP
Principal Investigator: Victor Schneider (Math); Co-principal Investigator: Kathleen Lopez (Math)
Sponsor: US Dept of Education
Amount Awarded: $43,876
Grant Period: 07/01/2013 - 08/31/2014
Statistical Methodology For Industrial Hygiene: Detection Limits, Reference Limit
Principal Investigator: Thomas Mathew (UMBC); Co-Principal Investigator: Kalimuthu Krishnamoorthy (Math)
Sponsor: National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health project number: 5R01OH003628-09
Award Amount: $1,394,064
Grant Period: 9/01/2010 - 8/31/2015
Graphic Visualization Tool and Animation Product of Mekong River Flow, Dam Effects and Impact on Flood Security
Principal Investigator: Azmy Ackleh (Math)
Sponsor: US Geological Survey
Amount Awarded: $169,486
Grant Period: 06/20/2011 - 06/19/2014
ARRA: Fractional Differential and Integral Inequalities with Applications
Principal Investigator: Aghalaya Vatsala (Math)
Sponsor: US Dept of Defense-Army
Amount Awarded: $66,444
Grant Period: 06/01/2011 - 10/31/2013
Smooth Transition for Advancement to Graduate Education (STAGE) for Underrepresented Minorities Mathematical Sciences: A Pilot Project
Principal Investigator: Nabendu Pal (Math); Co-Principal Investigator: Patricia Beaulieu (Math); Co-Principal Investigator: Christina Eubanks Turner (Math); Co-Principal Investigator: Aghalaya Vatsala (Math), Sponsor: NSF Award Number: 1043223
Amount Awarded: $548,880
Grant Period: 02/15/2011 - 01/31/2014
Statistical Methodology for Industrial Hygiene: Detection Limits, Reference Limits, and Measurement Accuracy, Amnd 5
Principal Investigator: Kalimuthu Krishnamoorthy (Math)
Sponsor: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Amount Awarded: $4,290
Grant Period: 06/18/2013 - 08/31/2013
An Innovative Method for the Numerical Solution of Fractional Differential Equations and its Applications
Principal Investigator: Aghalaya Vatsala (Math)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Amount Awarded: $9,000
Grant Period: 01/01/2013 - 12/31/2013