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Bruce Wade Starts New Math Journal

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Science Day 2024

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Bruce Wade and three colleagues from Spain and Portugal have started a new rigorously peer-reviewed research journal, Analytical and Numerical Methods for Differential Equations and Applications. The journal is part of Frontiers ICT Open Science platform, providing free access and high visibility in various research topics.

Frontiers' Research Topics are peer-reviewed article collections around themes of cutting-edge research. Defined, managed, and led by renowned researchers, they unite the world's leading experts around the hottest topics in research, stimulating collaboration and accelerating science. Managed and disseminated on Frontiers' customized Open Science platform, these collections are free to access and highly visible, increasing the discoverability, readership, and citations of your research.

An overview of this new Analytical and Numerical Methods for Differential Equations and Applications research topic follows.

Many problems in science and engineering are described by differential equations. This Research Topic will offer new procedures and methods for solving these problems. Authors working in the field are welcome to submit manuscripts relating to recent advances in:

Differential equations play a vital role in modeling various natural phenomena. Thus, the goal of this Research Topic is to promote, encourage, and stimulate further research, as well as highlight recent advances in this field.

  • Ordinary differential equations
  • Partial differential equations
  • Delay differential equations
  • Stochastic differential equations
  • Initial and boundary value problems
  • Equations with either traditional or nonlocal conditions
  • Applications of differential equations

Differential equations play a vital role in modeling various natural phenomena. Thus, the goal of this Research Topic is to promote, encourage, and stimulate further research, as well as highlight recent advances in this field.