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Arturo Magidin

Arturo Magidin
Associate Professor

404 Maxim Doucet Hall

Arturo Magidin's webpage

Ph.D.: 1998, University of California at Berkeley
Matemático: 1993, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

I got my PhD from the University of California at Berkeley in 1998,working under George M. Bergman; I started at UL Lafayette in 2005. My main research interest is in groups, often inspired by questions that come from General (also called Universal) Algebra; the latter is a way of unifying the study of many different types of algebraic structures. A group is a type of structures that was first defined to study symmetries, and they are ubiquitous. In more recent years, I have concentrated in finite p-groups and nilpotent groups in general. My most recent published work (in collaboration with Martha Kilpack) goes back to General Algebra and considers questions of lattice and closure operators associated to groups and their subgroups. My current collaboration with Luise-Charlotte Kappe and William Cocke looks at generalizations of the Chermak-Delgado lattice and measure on a finite group.

Selected research publications: