Kalimuthu Krishnamoorthy
Professor of Statistics
Philip and Jean Piccione Endowed Chair in Statistics
425 Maxim Doucet Hall
Krishnamoorthy's webpage
Ph.D. (Statistics) 1985 Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur, India
M.Sc. (Statistics) 1978 Madras University, India
B.Sc. (Statistics) 1976 Madras University, India
My research interests are in developing statistical methodologies for occupational exposure data analysis, inference with missing data, meta analysis, tolerance regions, data analysis with multiple detection limits, and statistical calibration.
Selected research publications:
Chowdhury, Faysal A. and Krishnamoorthy, K.
Statistical intervals for Maxwell distributions
J. Stat. Theory Pract., 16, (2022) 3, Paper No. 45, 28. -
Dang, Bao-Anh and Krishnamoorthy, K.
Confidence intervals, prediction intervals and tolerance intervals for negative binomial distributions
Statist. Papers, 63, (2022) 3, 795-820. -
Krishnamoorthy, K. and Chakraberty, Saptarshi
Construction of simultaneous tolerance intervals for several normal distributions
J. Stat. Comput. Simul., 92, (2022) 1, 101-114. -
Hoang-Nguyen-Thuy, N. and Krishnamoorthy, K.
A method for computing tolerance intervals for a location-scale family of distributions
Computational Statistics, 36, (2021), 1065–1092. -
Krishnamoorthy, K., Waguespack, D. and Ngan, Hoang-Nguyen-Thuy
Confidence interval, prediction interval and tolerance limits for a two-parameter Rayleigh distribution
Journal of Applied Statistics., 47, (2020), 160-175. -
Krishnamoorthy, K. and Lv, S.
Prediction intervals for hypergeometric distributions
Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods., 49, (2020), 1528-1536. -
Krishnamoorthy, K. and Hasan, S.
Prediction limits for the mean of a sample from a lognormal distribution: Uncensored and censored cases
Journal of Environmental Statistics., 8, (2018), 1-14. -
Krishnamoorthy, K. and Lv, S. (2018).
Highest posterior mass prediction intervals for binomial and Poisson distributions.
Metrika, 81, (2018), 775-796. -
Krishnamoorthy, K. and Oral, E.
Standardized LRT for comparing several lognormal means and confidence interval for the common mean
Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 26, (2017), 2919 - 2937. -
Krishnamoorthy, K., and Wang, X.
Fiducial inference on gamma distribution: Uncensored and censored cases
Environmetrics, 27 (2016)}, 479-493.