Topology Seminar Archive
Information about the seminar in recent semesters is provided below. Please select a semester archive from the following list.
- Spring 2016 archive
- Fall 2015 archive
- Spring 2015 archive
- Fall 2014 archive
- Spring 2014 archive
- Fall 2013 archive
- Spring 2013 archive
- Fall 2012 archive
- Spring 2012 archive
- Fall 2011 archive
- Spring 2011 archive
- Fall 2010 archive
- Spring 2010 archive
- Fall 2009 archive
- Spring 2009 archive
- Fall 2008 archive
- Spring 2008 archive
Spring 2016 Topology Seminar
22 January 2016
An introduction to sheaf theory (with an eye towards stacks)
Chris Rogers -
29 January 2016
An introduction to sheaf theory (with an eye towards stacks), part 2
Chris Rogers -
5 February 2016
An introduction to sheaf theory (with an eye towards stacks), part 3
Chris Rogers -
12 February 2016
No seminar this week. -
19 February 2016
Hopf algebroids over a commutative ring and groupoids
Daniel Davis -
26 February 2016
Hopf algebroids, with a focus on their coproduct
Daniel Davis -
4 March 2016
The amusement of the defining relations of a Hopf algebroid (after Miller and Ravenel)
Daniel Davis -
11 March 2016
Hopf algebroids: their defining relations, morphisms between them, their comodules, and Ext groups
Daniel Davis -
18 March 2016
The category of left comodules over a Hopf algebroid and its Ext groups
Daniel Davis -
8 April 2016
An overview of Ehresmann's theory of internal categories
Chris Rogers -
15 April 2016
An overview of Ehresmann's theory of internal categories, part 2
Chris Rogers -
22 April 2016
Towards a fibrant replacement for a G-spectrum
Daniel Davis -
29 April 2016
The canonical cosimplicial G-spectrum associated to the "coinduced G-spectrum triple" yields a fibrant object
Daniel Davis
Fall 2015 Topology Seminar
4 September 2015
Group actions on symmetric spectra and related adjunctions
Daniel Davis -
11 September 2015
Symmetric spectra, their weak equivalences, and group actions
Daniel Davis -
18 September 2015
The model structures on symmetric spectra and G-symmetric spectra
Daniel Davis -
25 September 2015
Symmetric spectra: weak equivalences and the injective model structure on diagrams
Daniel Davis -
9 October 2015
The Dold-Kan correspondence, Sullivan's realization, and the Maurer-Cartan functor
Chris Rogers -
16 October 2015
From the Dold-Kan correspondence to Sullivan's realization functor
Chris Rogers -
23 October 2015
Sullivan's Realization Functor and a Brief Overview of Rational Homotopy Theory
Chris Rogers -
30 October 2015
Sullivan's realization functor and Sullivan models for spheres
Chris Rogers -
13 November 2015
Diffeomorphism Stability and Codimension Four
Curtis Pro (Notre Dame)
Abstract: A Riemannian manifold $M$ with a lower sectional curvature bound is an intrinsic metric space in which the metric satisfies certain comparison conditions. An Alexandrov space $X$, metrically, is like $M$, except it is not required to be smooth, or even a manifold. From the perspective of Riemannian geometry with a lower sectional curvature bound, Alexandrov geometry has the benefit of being able to realize certain metric configurations that aren't possible in the smooth category. In this talk, we'll describe how the differential structure of $M$ is "controlled" if $M$ is "metrically close" to certain Alexandrov spaces $X$. This is joint work with Fred Wilhelm. -
20 November 2015
Simplicial model categories and their homotopy limits
Daniel Davis -
4 December 2015
Simplicial model categories and the homotopy limit of diagrams in them
Daniel Davis
Spring 2015 Topology Seminar
6 February 2015
No seminar due to the Mathematics Colloquium. -
13 February 2015
An overview of Bousfield localization for spectra
Daniel Davis -
20 February 2015
Instead of a seminar, there is a Mathematics Colloquium in topology:
Finite-type invariants and Taylor towers for spaces of knots and links
Robin Koytcheff (University of Victoria)
Abstract: -
27 February 2015
Part I: a little more on Bousfield localization; Part II: Lindner's paper on Mackey functors
Daniel Davis -
6 March 2015
A 'Mackey functor' (which is a certain pair of functors) really is a functor!
Daniel Davis -
13 March 2015
No seminar: The 2014 Lloyd Roeling Conference/2015 SRAC starts today. -
20 March 2015
More on Mackey functors: finishing Lindner's theorem and the example for finite G-sets
Daniel Davis -
27 March 2015
An Introduction to Sheaves
Christopher Ryan
Abstract: -
17 April 2015
Motivic K-theory symmetric ring spectrum
Youngsoo Kim (Tuskegee University)
Abstract: -
24 April 2015
Modules and splittings
Scott Bailey (Clayton State University)
Abstract: -
1 May 2015
Resolutions of the $K(2)$-local sphere spectrum
Irina Bobkova (University of Rochester)
Fall 2014 Topology Seminar
19 September 2014
Cohomology: A Mirror of Homotopy
Agnes Beaudry (University of Chicago)
Abstract: -
3 October 2014
Model categories and the example of simplicial sets
Daniel Davis -
17 October 2014
Model categories: some results and homotopy-theoretic maneuvers
Daniel Davis -
31 October 2014
What is a simplicial category? A simplicial model category?
Daniel Davis -
7 November 2014
Face maps, degeneracies, \Delta[3], and left homotopy
Daniel Davis -
14 November 2014
A canonical presentation of an arbitrary simplicial set and the example of \Delta[2]
Daniel Davis -
21 November 2014
Cofibrant objects, projectives, and left homotopy
Daniel Davis -
5 December 2014
Left homotopy in general and for simplicial sets, and Whitehead's theorem
Daniel Davis
Spring 2014 Topology Seminar
31 January 2014
Bigraded modules, exact couples, and spectral sequences
Daniel Davis -
7 February 2014
The tail of quantum spin networks
Mustafa Hajij (graduate student, LSU)
Abstract: -
14 February 2014
A nugget in the tool chest of a working homotopy theorist: affine group schemes
Daniel Davis -
Note: The speaker originally scheduled for 14 February, Scott Bailey (Clayton State University), was not able to make it due to the ice storm in Atlanta. He had planned to speak on:
Modules and splittings
Scott Bailey (Clayton State University)
Abstract: -
21 February 2014
Invariant contact structures on 7-dimensional nilmanifolds
Sergii Kutsak (Florida Institute of Technology)
Abstract: -
28 February 2014
Vojislav Petrovic (graduate student)
(Note: Due to the preparations for Mardi Gras, Voja's talk has been rescheduled for 2 May 2014.) -
7 March 2014
A computation in stable homotopy theory using topological modular forms
Don Larson (Penn State Altoona)
Abstract: -
14 March 2014
Finite subgroups of a formal group of height 2 over F_9
Yifei Zhu (Northwestern University)
Abstract: -
21 March 2014
Spaces of commuting elements in Lie groups
Mentor Stafa (Tulane University)
Abstract: -
28 March 2014
Zariski's intrinsic description of nonsingular affine varieties
Chris Ryan (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)
Abstract: -
4 April 2014
Knot and link invariants for vector fields
Rafal Komendarczyk (Tulane University)
Abstract: -
11 April 2014
A Projective Model Structure on Pro-categories, and the Relative Étale Homotopy Type
Tomer Schlank (M.I.T.)
Abstract: -
2 May 2014
Derived functors of inverse limits and profinite G-modules
Vojislav Petrovic (graduate student)
Fall 2013 Topology Seminar
13 September 2013
How do we regard a set of interesting morphisms in a category as being isomorphisms?
Daniel Davis -
20 September 2013
The homotopy category of a homotopical category
Daniel Davis -
27 September 2013
A presentation of the morphisms in a homotopy category by type
Daniel Davis -
4 October 2013
A 3-arrow calculus for a homotopical category and saturation
Daniel Davis -
18 October 2013
Boolean spaces
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
25 October 2013
Representation theorems for Boolean algebras
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
1 November 2013
A homotopical version of uniqueness in a category
Daniel Davis -
8 November 2013
Lloyd Roeling Topology Conference -
15 November 2013
On poset polynomials
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
22 November 2013
Boolean quotients and Boolean derivatives
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
6 December 2013
Continuous group cohomology of discrete G-modules and $\delta$-functors
Vojislav Petrovic (graduate student)
Spring 2013 Topology Seminar
1 February 2013
An introduction to double categories
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
8 February 2013
No seminar -- Mardi Gras break -
15 February 2013
Symmetric spectra: the objects that give rise to generalized cohomology theories
Daniel Davis -
22 February 2013
The symmetric monoidal category of symmetric spectra
Daniel Davis -
29 February 2013
no seminar this week -
8 March 2013
Symmetric spectra: some examples and the notion of stable equivalence
Daniel Davis -
15 March 2013
The Temperley-Lieb category and its applications
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
22 March 2013
On some models in statistical mechanics and their connections with topology
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
12 April 2013
On n-ary algebras and their applications in knot theory
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
19 April 2013
On stable equivalences and connective symmetric spectra
Daniel Davis -
26 April 2013
Finite projective geometry
Vic Schneider
Fall 2012 Topology Seminar
7 September 2012
Entropic operations in knot theory
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
14 September 2012
The Cuntz semigroup of low dimensional spaces
Leonel Robert
Abstract: -
21 September 2012
Progress on the "Hit Problem"
Shaun Ault (Valdosta State University) -
28 September 2012
An introduction to nonabelian continuous cohomology
Daniel Davis -
5 October 2012
A non-short, but not long, exact sequence in nonabelian continuous cohomology
Daniel Davis -
19 October 2012
How does one build a Thom spectrum?
Daniel Davis -
26 October 2012
An introduction to tolerance space theory
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
2 November 2012
Finite geometries
Vic Schneider -
9 November 2012
Bicomplex from degenerate elements of a weak simplicial module
Jozef Przytycki (The George Washington University)
Abstract: -
16 November 2012
Some remarks on differential groupoids
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
30 November 2012
Finite geometries, part 2
Vic Schneider
Spring 2012 Topology Seminar
27 January 2012
Introduction to Haar integrals
Vic Schneider -
3 February 2012
Introduction to Haar integrals, part 2
Vic Schneider -
10 February 2012
The ends of groups
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
17 February 2012
Ordered sets in combinatorics and topology
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
24 February 2012
A discussion of inverse limits without a formal definition
Brian Hill (graduate student) -
2 March 2012
no seminar -
9 March 2012
Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory - old and new
Yuli Rudyak (University of Florida) -
16 March 2012
A discussion of inverse limits without a formal definition, part 2
Brian Hill (graduate student) -
23 March 2012
Ordered sets in combinatorics and topology, part 2
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
30 March 2012
Tent maps and topological conjugacy
Brian Hill (graduate student) -
20 April 2012
Pro-objects in a category and their morphisms
Daniel Davis -
27 April 2012
Ordered sets in combinatorics and topology, part 3
Maciej Niebrzydowski
Fall 2011 Topology Seminar
2 September 2011
On some Cayley type theorems
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
9 September 2011
On some Cayley type theorems, part 2
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
16 September 2011
Selfcoincidences of Mappings between Spheres
Duane Randall (Loyola University, New Orleans)
Abstract: -
23 September 2011
Discrete groups and manifolds in S2xR
Jozsef Z. Farkas
Abstract: -
30 September 2011
Obstruction theory for E_infty maps
Niles Johnson (University of Georgia)
Abstract: -
7 October 2011
An introduction to operads and algebras over operads
Daniel Davis -
14 October 2011
Algebras over operads and some canonical examples
Daniel Davis -
28 October 2011
S2xR space groups: generalized Coxeter groups and ball packings
Jozsef Farkas -
4 November 2011
Fibered categories, fibers, and groupoids
Daniel Davis -
11 November 2011
Categories fibered in groupoids, monoids, and classifying spaces
Daniel Davis -
2 December 2011
Profinite Groups and Discrete G-Sets
Brian Hill (graduate student)
Spring 2011 Topology Seminar
19 January 2011
Schubert polynomials and cohomology of flag manifolds
Leonardo Mihalcea -
26 January 2011
Inverse limits with subsets of IxI
Thelma West -
2 February 2011
Inverse limits with subsets of IxI, Part 2
Thelma West -
16 February 2011
Inverse limits with subsets of IxI, Part 3
Thelma West -
23 February 2011
Inverse limits of upper semi-continuous set valued functions
Thelma West -
2 March 2011
Schubert varieties revisited
Leonardo Mihalcea -
16 March 2011
Towards Schubert polynomials
Leonardo Mihalcea -
23 March 2011
Towards Schubert polynomials, part 2
Leonardo Mihalcea -
30 March 2011
Spatial graphs and their invariants
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
6 April 2011
Areas of certain quadrilaterals
Vic Schneider -
13 April 2011
Areas of certain quadrilaterals, part 2
Vic Schneider -
27 April 2011
Continuous group cohomology for towers of discrete G-modules
Daniel Davis
Fall 2010 Topology Seminar
17 September 2010
Knotted surfaces
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
24 September 2010
Knotted surfaces, part 2
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
8 October 2010
A Tale of Six Atriodic Continua, Part 1
Thelma West -
15 October 2010
No seminar this week due to the Roeling Conference. -
22 October 2010
A Tale of Six Atriodic Continua, Part 2
Thelma West -
29 October 2010
postponed -
5 November 2010
Introduction to inverse limits
Thelma West -
12 November 2010
Quantum Schubert Calculus
Leonardo Mihalcea
Abstract: -
19 November 2010
An introduction to model categories
Daniel Davis -
3 December 2010
An introduction to model categories, part 2
Daniel Davis
Spring 2010 Topology Seminar
29 January 2010
Kan complexes and categories
Daniel Davis -
5 February 2010
Kan complexes and $\infty$-categories
Daniel Davis -
19 February 2010
$\infty$-categories and composition through horns
Daniel Davis -
26 February 2010
Introduction to digital topology
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
12 March 2010
Axiomatic digital topology
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
19 March 2010
'Composition' and joins for $\infty$-categories
Daniel Davis -
26 March 2010
Equivalent metrics and the spans of graphs, Part I
Thelma West -
16 April 2010
Equivalent metrics and the spans of graphs, Part II
Thelma West -
23 April 2010
Equivalent metrics and the spans of graphs, Part III
Thelma West -
30 April 2010
$A^1$-Representability of Hermitian $K$-theory
Girja Shanker Tripathi (graduate student, LSU)
Fall 2009 Topology Seminar
11 September 2009
Graph embeddings and chromatic numbers
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
18 September 2009
More on graph embeddings
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
25 September 2009
Sheaves of sets on a Grothendieck site
Daniel Davis -
9 October 2009
Limits and sheaves of sets on a site
Daniel Davis -
16 October 2009
Crossing numbers of graphs
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
23 October 2009
What is the Dimension of R(n)?
Roger Waggoner -
30 October 2009
Lloyd Roeling Conference -
6 November 2009
Representing graphs
Jake Sundberg (graduate student) -
13 November 2009
Representing graphs, part two
Jake Sundberg (graduate student) -
20 November 2009
Path connectedness
Vic Schneider -
4 December 2009
Path connectedness, part 2
Vic Schneider
Spring 2009 Topology Seminar
21 January 2009
Introduction to span
Thelma West -
28 January 2009
Span, pt. II: a consideration of 'an atriodic tree-like continuum with positive span' (after Ingram)
Thelma West -
6 February 2009
Sheaves of abelian groups on topological spaces
Daniel Davis -
13 February 2009
Regular Sequences in unstable algebras over the Steenrod algebra
Mara Neusel (Texas Tech) -
20 February 2009
Connections between graph theory and knot theory
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
27 February 2009
Defining sheaves with equalizer diagrams and Grothendieck sites
Daniel Davis -
6 March 2009
Fibered products, sieves, and pretopologies on categories
Daniel -
13 March 2009
Connections between graph theory and knot theory, Part II
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
20 March 2009
Obtaining Grothendieck sites via bases
Daniel -
27 March 2009
Topological quandles
Maciej -
3 April 2009
Introduction to hyperspaces
Thelma West -
24 April 2009
An Application of the snake and horseshoe lemmas to the functors Hom( - , G) and Ext( - , G), in the category Ab
Chris Ryan (graduate student) -
1 May 2009
Size levels of arcs, continued
Thelma West
Fall 2008 Topology Seminar
5 September 2008
Introduction to Khovanov homology I
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
12 September 2008
No seminar due to Hurricane Ike -
19 September 2008
Introduction to Khovanov homology II
Maciej Niebrzydowski -
26 September 2008
Introduction to simplicial sets
Daniel Davis -
3 October 2008
No seminar due to Fall break -
10 October 2008
No seminar due to Hurricane Ike makeup classes -
17 October 2008
Homotopy theory and simplicial sets
Daniel Davis -
24 October 2008
Gram determinants in Knot Theory: skein module motivation
Jozef Przytycki (The George Washington University) -
31 October 2008
The lattice of topologies on the set
Vic Schneider -
7 November 2008
The lattice of topologies on the set, part 2
Vic Schneider -
14 November 2008
No seminar -
21 November 2008
Dimension theory 101
Roger Waggoner -
5 December 2008
Elementary open problems in knot theory
Maciej Niebrzydowski
Spring 2008 Topology Seminar
28 January 2008
Inverse limits of spaces and their homotopy limits, with an eye on examples in continuum theory,
Daniel Davis. -
11 February 2008
Beginning steps in understanding the relationship between algebraic geometry and complex-oriented cohomology theories,
Daniel Davis. -
18 February 2008
Quandles, racks, and related knot invariants,
Maciej Niebrzydowski. -
25 February 2008
Quandle homology theories and their connection with geometry of knots,
Maciej Niebrzydowski. -
3 March 2008
Topological groups,
Vic Schneider. -
10 March 2008
Topological groups, part two,
Vic Schneider. -
17 March 2008
The homological algebra of the continuous cohomology of topological groups increases as one restricts to profinite groups,
Daniel Davis. -
31 March 2008
Three basic examples employing inverse limits, Part I,
Thelma West.
Abstract: -
7 April 2008
The Fixed Point Property,
Roger Waggoner. -
14 April 2008
The Nielsen number,
Roger Waggoner. -
21 April 21:
Three basic examples employing inverse limits, Part II,
Thelma West.
(This talk is a continuation of the March 31st seminar.) -
28 April 28:
Higher Grothendieck-Witt groups in Algebra and Topology,
Marco Schlichting (Louisiana State University).
Abstract: -
5 May 2008
Part one: a brief statement of the definition of elliptic spectrum (related to Q(2) - from the last result of Daniel's colloquium)
Daniel Davis, 5 minutes;
Part two: Elliptic curves, their associated abelian groups, and points of finite order,
Matthew Lennon (graduate student), a 25-minute talk;
Part three: The Nielsen number and the Jiang subgroup,
Roger Waggoner, a 35-minute talk.