Xiang-Sheng Wang
Associate Professor
Applied Mathematics
419 Maxim Doucet Hall
Xiang-Sheng Wang's webpage
Ph.D. 2009 City University of Hong Kong (jointly awarded by University of Science and Technology of China)
B.S. 2004 University of Science and Technology of China
I joined the Department of Mathematics at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in August 2016. Before that, I had been working at City University of Hong Kong, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Southeast Missouri State University, and York University. My research interests are mainly in the interdisciplinary areas of applied analysis, computational mathematics, and mathematical biology. I am actively seeking for collaborations with various researchers from different backgrounds. Especially, I enjoy advising graduate and undergraduate students on their research projects. I like to communicate mathematics in terms of teaching, publication, presentation and discussion. My other hobbies include swimming, hiking, reading, playing chess, piano and badminton.
Selected research publications:
- Bivariate Lagrange interpolation at the checkerboard nodes, L. Cao and S. Ghimire and Xiang-Sheng Wang, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, (2022) 150, 2153--2163
- Threshold dynamics of a nonlocal and delayed cholera model in a spatially heterogeneous environment, H. Shu and Z. Ma and Xiang-Sheng Wang, Journal of Mathematical Biology, (2021) 83, 41.
- Viral diffusion and cell-to-cell transmission: mathematical analysis and simulation study, Shu, Hongying and Ma, Zongwei and X.-S. Wang and Wang, Lin, Journal de Math\'{e}matiques Pures et Appliqu\'{e}es. Neuvi\`eme S\'{e}rie 137 (2020), 290--313
- Complex dynamics in a delay differential equation with two delays in tick growth with diapause, Shu, Hongying and Xu, Wanxiao and X.-S. Wang and Wu, Jianhong, Journal of Differential Equations 269 (2020) no. 12, 10937--10963,
- Asymptotics of the Wilson polynomials, Li, Yu-Tian and X.-S. Wang and Wong, Roderick, Analysis and Applications 18 (2020) no. 2, 237--270
- Doubly infinite Jacobi matrices revisited: Resolvent and spectral measure, D. Dai, M. E. H. Ismail,Wang, Xiang-Sheng, Advances in Mathematics, 343 (2019), 157-192.
- Numerical optimal control of a size-structured PDE model for metastatic cancer treatment, Liu, Jun,Wang, Xiang-Sheng, Math. Biosci., 314, (2019), 28-42,
- Traveling waves in epidemic models: non-monotone diffusive systems with non-monotone incidence rates, Shu, Hongying,Pan, Xuejun,Wang, Xiang-Sheng,Wu, Jianhong, J. Dynam. Differential Equations, 31, (2019,) 2, 883-901,
- Convergence rate for a Gauss collocation method applied to constrained optimal control, Hager, William W.,Liu, Jun,Mohapatra, Subhashree,Rao, Anil V.,Wang, Xiang-Sheng, SIAM J. Control Optim., 56, (2018,) 2, 1386-1411,
- Asymptotics of Racah polynomials with fixed parameters, Wang, Xiang-Sheng,Wong, R., Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 146, (2018,) 3, 1083-1096,