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Amy Veprauskas

Amy Veprauskas
Associate Professor
Applied Mathematics

305C Maxim Doucet Hall

Ph.D. 2016 University of Arizona
M.S. 2013 University of Arizona
M.A. 2010 Bryn Mawr College
B.A. 2010 Bryn Mawr College

My research interests are in mathematical models of population and evolutionary dynamics. To study these models, I utilize techniques from dynamical systems theory such as stability analysis and bifurcation theory. In particular, my work focuses on structured population models in which individuals are assigned to a given class based on characteristics such as age, stage, or body size. This type of modeling methodology allows for the consideration of how differences among these classes, such as survival rates, evolutionary behaviors, or external environmental forces, may result in dramatic changes in the dynamics. Specific applications of the models that I work on include examining the effect of oil spills on whale population persistence and identifying potential mechanisms leading to reproductive synchrony in a cannibalistic gull population.

Selected research publications: