Statistics Course Descriptions
NOTE: To enroll in any 400-level course, students must be admitted to the Upper Division; to enroll in a 400(G)-level course in which there are graduate students, students must have junior or higher standing.
STAT 214 - Elementary Statistics
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Descriptive statistics, elementary hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, introduction to correlation and regression. Graphing calculator required
Prereq: Minimum ACT math score of 25 or SAT math score of 590 or credit in MTHS 102 and MTHS 102S, MATH 102, MATH 103, and MATH 104, MTHS 105 and MTHS 105S, MATH 105, MTHS 109 and MTHS 109S, MATH 109, MATH 143, MATH 270 or MATH 272.
LCCN: CMAT 1303. -
STAT 215 - Honors Elementary Statistics
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Descriptive statistics, elementary hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, introduction to correlation and regression. Graphing calculator required.
Rstr: Permission of department required. -
STAT 325 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
This is an introductory probability course with a brief indication of applications to statistics. Since there is not a calculus prerequisite, the emphasis is on finite cases with heuristic treatment of countably infinite and continuous extensions. Basic theory of probability, counting rules, conditional probability, independence, Bayes’ Theorem. Discrete and continuous random variables. The course ends with a brief discussion of inferential statistics showing how the probability theory developed in the course leads to confidence estimation and hypothesis testing.
Prereq: Minimum ACT math score of 28 or SAT math score of 630 or MTHS 109 and MTHS 109S or MATH 109 or MATH 143 or MATH 270 or MATH 272 with a grade of “C” or better. -
STAT 368 - Elementary Survey Sampling
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Topics in survey sampling; emphasis on the design and analysis of surveys.
Prereq: STAT 214 or STAT 215 or STAT 325 with a grade of “C” or better. -
STAT 417(G) - Biometry
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Statistical applications in the biological and health sciences. Topics include descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, prediction, survey design and analysis, use of statistical software packages.
Prereq: STAT 214 with a grade of “C” or better. -
STAT 425(G) - Introduction to Probability Theory
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Introduces the theory of probability, counting rules, conditional probability, independence, Bayes’ Theorem. Discrete and continuous random variables, their distributions, moments and moment generating functions. Multivariate probability distributions, independence, covariance. Distributions of functions of random variables, central limit theorem.
Prereq: MATH 302 with a grade of “C” or better. -
STAT 426(G) - Introduction to Statistics Theory
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Sampling distributions, central limit theorem, estimation, properties of point estimators, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, common large sample tests, normal theory small sample tests, uniformly most powerful and likelihood ratio tests, least squares, correlation, simulation, bootstrap and jackknife.
Prereq: STAT 425(G) with a grade of “C” or better. -
STAT 427(G) - Statistical Methods for Researchers I
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Applications useful to researchers in all fields. Probability distributions, measurements of precision and accuracy, control charts, tests of significance, confidence intervals, analysis of variance, use of statistical software packages.
Prereq: MTHS 109 and MTHS 109S or MATH 109 or MATH 143 with a grade of “C” or better. -
STAT 428(G) - Statistical Methods for Researchers II
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Multiple correlation and regression, design and analysis of experiments, problems from behavioral sciences, biological sciences, and engineering.
Prereq: STAT 417(G) or STAT 427(G) with a grade of “C” or better. -
STAT 440(G) - Applied Non-parametric Statistics
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Inferential methods where assumptions for parametric tests are questionable. Topics include tests for randomness, goodness of fit, location, spread and correlation. Applications stressed.
Prereq: STAT 214 or equivalent with a grade of “C” or better. -
STAT 450(G) - Quality Control
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Construction and analysis of control charts for variables and attributes, acceptance sampling, tolerances.
Prereq: STAT 325 with a grade of “C” or better. -
STAT 454(G) - Operations Research I
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Deterministic and probabilistic models of operations research, including linear programming, queuing, and inventory models.
Prereq: MATH 250 or MATH 270, with a “C” or better. -
STAT 480(G) - Seminar in Statistics
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Topics of special interest not covered in detail in other courses.
Rstr: Permission of instructor required. -
STAT 497(G) - Special Projects I
3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Special and individual study projects.
Rstr: Permission of department required. -
STAT 498(G) - Special Projects II
3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Special and individual study projects.
Rstr: Permission of department required. -
STAT 502 - Statistical Consulting
1 Credit(s). 1 Hour(s) Lab. 0 Hour(s) Lecture.
Rstr: Graduates only -
STAT 520 - Probability Theory
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Probability distributions, limit theorems, special functions, probability models.
Rstr: Permission of department required. -
STAT 521 - Applied Regression Analysis and Experimental Design
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Least squares, curve fitting, stepwise and multiple regression, response surfaces, correlation analysis, nonlinear regression, use of statistical software packages.
Prereq: STAT 427(G) or permission of department required. -
STAT 522 - Experimental Design
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Applications of statistics to the design and analysis of experiments, including randomized and factorial designs.
Prereq: STAT 521 -
STAT 523 - Mathematical Statistics I
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Theory of distributions and statistical inference.
Rstr: Permission of department required. -
STAT 524 - Mathematical Statistics II
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Theory of distributions and statistical inference.
Rstr: Permission of department required. -
STAT 525 - Stochastic Processes
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Counting, Gaussian, stationary, and ergodic processes.
Prereq: STAT 523, or permission department required -
STAT 528 - Applied Time Series
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Box-Jenkins Models, including autocorrelation, spectrum, linear, and nonlinear stationary models, model identification, model estimation, seasonal models.
Prereq: STAT 520 or permission of department required -
STAT 530 - Linear Models
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Linear hypothesis, Gauss-Markoff theorem, generalized least squares, analysis of variance, hypothesis testing, orthogonal polynomials, covariance.
Prereq: STAT 524 or permission of department required. -
STAT 535 - Applied Multivariate Analysis
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Principal component and factor analysis, discriminant and cluster analysis, canonical correlation, multiple analysis of variance.
Prereq: STAT 522 or permission of department. -
STAT 540 - Non-Parametric Statistics
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Distribution-free testing and estimation techniques.
Prereq: STAT 523 or permission of department required. -
STAT 545 - Statistical Computing
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Random number generators, techniques for generating data from various distributions, techniques used in statistical software packages, plotting techniques, statistical simulation.
Rstr: Permission of department required. -
STAT 550 - Advanced Quality Control
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
New theoretical developments in statistical quality control. New approaches to quality, the design and comparison of control charts, Markov chain representations of control charts, continuous sampling plans, and the theory of acceptance sampling.
Prereq: STAT 523 or permission of department required. -
STAT 568 - Sampling Theory
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Prereq: STAT 427(G) or permission of department required. -
STAT 570 - Research Methods
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
May be repeated for credit.
Rstr: Permission of department required. Grade: NC/CR. -
STAT 580 - Special Topics in Applied Statistics
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Rstr: Permission of department required. -
STAT 581 - Special Topics in Mathematical Statistics
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Rstr: Permission of department required. -
STAT 594 - Research
3-6 Credit(s).
To be taken by non-thesis option master’s students only. Credit to be 3 hours unless written justification for varied credits is accepted by the Graduate School.
Grading Option: Grades: S, U, W. -
STAT 597 - Special Topics I
3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Special topics or individual study.
Rstr: Permission of department required. -
STAT 598 - Special Topics II
3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Special topics or individual study.
Rstr: Permission of department required. -
STAT 622 - Advanced Experimental Design
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Construction, theory, and analysis of experimental designs.
Prereq: STAT 522 and STAT 523 or permission of department required. -
STAT 623 - Advanced Statistical Inference I
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Sufficient statistics, completeness, bounds of variance for estimators, invariance, UMP tests, general linear hypothesis, confidence ellipsoids, multiple comparisons and decision problems, sequential analysis.
Prereq: STAT 524 or permission of department required. -
STAT 624 - Advanced Statistical Inference II
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Sufficient statistics, completeness, bounds of variance for estimators, invariance, UMP tests, general linear hypothesis, confidence ellipsoids, multiple comparisons and decision problems, sequential analysis.
Prereq: STAT 524 or permission of department required. -
STAT 635 - Multivariate Analysis
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Multivate normal distribution, Hoetellings statistic, Wishart distribution, multivariate analysis of variance.
Prereq: STAT 523, STAT 524 or permission of department required. -
STAT 640 - Theory of Non-Parametric Statistics
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Empirical distribution functions, order statistics, tolerance regions, rank order tests, asymptotic distributions.
Prereq: STAT 523, STAT 540 or permission of department required. -
STAT 680 - Seminar in Advanced Statistical Inference
3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.
Rstr: Permission of instructor required.