Philip Hackney
Associate Professor
Devon Endowed Professor of Mathematics
442 Maxim Doucet Hall
337 - 482 - 5295
Ph.D. 2010 Purdue University
M.S. 2006 Purdue University
B.S. 2004 Central Michigan University
My research interests are mainly within the areas of algebraic topology and higher category theory. I employ the tools of abstract homotopy theory to study various kinds of higher structures, including operads and their generalizations.
Just prior to joining the faculty at UL Lafayette, I was a research fellow at the Centre of Australian Category Theory in Sydney.
Selected research publications:
Hackney, Philip, Ozornova, Viktoriya, Riehl, Emily, and Rovelli, Martina,
An (∞,2)-categorical pasting theorem,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 376 (2023), 1, 555–597. -
Drummond-Cole, Gabriel C. and Hackney, Philip,
Coextension of scalars in operad theory,
Math. Z., 301, (2022) 1, 275-314. -
Chu, Hongyi and Hackney, Philip,
On rectification and enrichment of infinity properads,
J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2), 105, (2022) 3, 1418-1517. -
Hackney, Philip and Rovelli, Martina,
Induced model structures for higher categories,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 150, (2022), 11, 4629-4644. -
Drummond-Cole, Gabriel C. and Hackney, Philip,
Dwyer-Kan homotopy theory for cyclic operads,
Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., 64 (2021), no. 1, 29–58. -
Hackney, Philip, Robertson, Marcy and Yau, Donald,
Modular operads and the nerve theorem,
Adv. Math., 370 (2020), 107206, 39 -
Hackney, Philip, Robertson, Marcy and Yau, Donald,
A graphical category for higher modular operads,
Adv. Math., 365 (2020), 107044, 61 -
Drummond-Cole, Gabriel C. and Hackney, Philip,
A criterion for existence of right-induced model structures,
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 51 (2019) no. 2,309--326. -
Hackney, Philip and Robertson, Marcy and Yau, Donald,
Higher cyclic operads,
Algebr. Geom. Topol., 19 (2019) no. 2,863--940. -
Hackney, Philip and Robertson, Marcy and Yau, Donald,
Infinity Properads and Infinity Wheeled Properads,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2147 (2015).