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College of Sciences Outstanding Graduate

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Maxwell Reigner Kane is the Spring 2021 Outstanding Graduate for the Ray P. Authement College of Sciences.

He will earn a bachelor's degree in mathematics. His GPA is 4.0. Kane was among eight University students who earned first- and second-place finishes in 2020 and 2021, respectively, in Mathematical Association of America team competitions. Each of those years, he placed first in individual competitions for research presentations about biomathematics and game theory. Kane has also presented research during the Louisiana Council on Excellence in Undergraduate Research Conference. He contributed research in applied mathematics to two papers that will be submitted for publication to peer-reviewed academic journals. Kane was twice chosen a Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics scholar. CURM scholars conduct research in applied mathematics. He will pursue a master’s degree in economics through the MAPSS program at the University of Chicago. Kane also intends to earn a Ph.D. in economics. His parents are Michael and Kimberly Kane of Cookeville, Tennessee.