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Undergraduates participate in Texas Undergraudate Conference

Three of our undergraduate students, Logan Richard, Bailey Meche, and Isaac Kulp, participated in the Seventeenth Annual Texas Undergraduate Mathematics Conference on October 28-29, 2022 at the University of Texas at Austin. Bailey presented his research. The title of his research project is DiseaseNet: a unified approach to disease detection. His coauthors are Benjamin Ginnett and Kelly Zhou and their advisors are Steven Gore and Prof. Rajeev Azad.

photo captions: (1) Logan Richard, Maximillian Derton (La Tourneau Univ), Bailey Meche, and Isaac Kulp (L to R), (2) Justin Lynd, Logan Richard, Bailey Meche, James Kimball, and Isaac Kulp (L to R), (3) Bailey Meche presenting his work.