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Recent Publications

Publications in 2025

  1. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Saintier, Nicolas and Zhang, Aijun,
    A multiple-strain pathogen model with diffusion on the space of Radon measures,
    Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 140 (2025), Paper No. 108402, 27.

  2. Hackney, Philip and Lynd, Justin,
    Partial groups as symmetric simplicial sets,
    J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 229 (2) (2025), Paper No. 107864.

  3. Craciun, Gheorghe and Jin, Jiaxin and Sorea, Miruna-Ştefana,
    The structure of the toric locus of a reaction network,
    Nonlinearity, 38 (1) (2025), Paper No. 015023, 28.

  4. Krishnamoorthy, K. and Maddux, Bao-Anh,
    Confidence intervals for the difference, relative risk and odds ratio based on inverse sampling,
    Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 54 (7) (2025), 1930-1952.

  5. Koytcheff, Robin,
    Graphing, homotopy groups of spheres, and spaces of long links and knots,
    Forum Math. Sigma, 13 (2025) Paper No. e35.

  6. Runzhe Li, Mo Li, Ni Zhao,
    A Mixed-Effect Kernel Machine Regression Model for Integrative Analysis of Alpha Diversity in Microbiome Studies,
    Genetic Epidemiology, 49 (1) (2025), e22596, (First published: 30 September 2024).

  7. Wu, Xiaotian and Zhang, Weimiao and Wang, Xiang-Sheng and Li, Jun,
    A Mechanistic Model-to-Model Approach for Solving a Nonlinear Pharmacokinetic Model,
    Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 48 (2) (2025), Paper No. 53.

  8. Pan, Xuejun and Shu, Hongying and Wang, Lin and Wang, Xiang-Sheng and Yu, Jianshe,
    On the periodic solutions of switching scalar dynamical systems,
    J. Differential Equations, 415 (2025), 365-382.

Publications in 2024

  1. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Veprauskas, Amy and Zhang, Aijun,
    The impact of dispersal and Allee effects on tick invasion: a spatially-explicit discrete-time modelling approach,
    J. Difference Equ. Appl., 30 (10) (2024), 1610-1643.

  2. Ackleh, Azmy S. and DeLeenheer, Patrick and Veprauskas, Amy,
    Dedication [Special issue in honour of Jim Cushing on the occasion of his 80th birthday],
    J. Difference Equ. Appl., 30 (8) (2024), 939-941.

  3. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Veprauskas, Amy
    The interplay between dispersal and Allee effects in a two-patch discrete-time model,
    in, Difference equations, discrete dynamical systems and applications, Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 444 (2024), 283-301.

  4. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Hossain, Md Istiaq and Veprauskas, Amy,
    Examining the influence of prey dynamics on predator-prey interactions,
    J. Difference Equ. Appl., 30 8, (2024), 1194-1221.

  5. Birkenmeier, Gary F. and Kara, Yeliz and Tercan, Adnan
    Primitive and prime rings with s.Baer or related modules
    J. Algebra Appl., 23 (2024) 3, Paper No. 2450044, 8.

  6. Davis, Daniel G.
    Several homotopy fixed point spectral sequences in telescopically localized algebraic K-theory
    Math. J. Okayama Univ., 66 (2024), 135-157.

  7. Davis, Daniel G. and Petrović, Vojislav
    A homotopy orbit spectrum for profinite groups
    Homology Homotopy Appl., 26 (2024) 1, 367-400.

  8. Deng, Keng
    Asymptotic behavior of a diffusive SIS epidemic model with mass action infection mechanism
    Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 29 (2024) 9, 3677-3689.

  9. Deng, Keng
    Asymptotic profiles of the steady state for a diffusive SIS epidemic model with Dirichlet boundary conditions
    Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., 23 (2024) 1, 80-87.

  10. Hackney, Philip
    Categories of graphs for operadic structures
    Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 176 (2024) 1, 155-212.

  11. Hackney, Philip
    Segal conditions for generalized operads,
    in Higher structures in topology, geometry, and physics, Contemp. Math. 802, Amer. Math. Soc., (2024), 161-194.

  12. Beardsley, Jonathan and Hackney, Philip,
    Labelled cospan categories and properads,
    J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 228 (2024), paper 107471.

  13. Hackney, Philip and Ozornova, Viktoriya and Riehl, Emily and Rovelli, Martina,
    Pushouts of Dwyer maps are (∞,1)-categorical,
    Algebr. Geom. Topol., 24 4, (2024), 2171-2183.

  14. Craciun, Gheorghe and Deshpande, Abhishek and Jin, Jiaxin,
    A lower bound on the dimension of the R-disguised toric locus of a reaction network,
    SIAM J. Appl. Algebra Geom., 8 (4) (2024), 877-912.

  15. Duncan, William and Antoneli, Fernando and Best, Janet and Golubitsky, Martin and Jin, Jiaxin and Nijhout, H. Frederik and Reed, Mike and Stewart, Ian,
    Homeostasis patterns,
    SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 23 (3) (2024), 2262-2292.

  16. Jin, Jiaxin and Kim, Chanwoo,
    Boundary effect under 2D Newtonian gravity potential in the phase space,
    Matematica, 3 (2) (2024), 604-650.

  17. Craciun, Gheorghe and Deshpande, Abhishek and Jin, Jiaxin,
    Weakly reversible deficiency one realizations of polynomial dynamical systems,
    Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 29 (6) (2024), 2786-2816.

  18. Mahadi Hasan, Md and Krishnamoorthy, K.,
    Confidence intervals and prediction intervals for two-parameter negative binomial distributions,
    J. Appl. Stat., 51 (12) (2024), 2420-2435.

  19. Murshed, Md. Monzur and Krishnamoorthy, K.
    Improved confidence intervals based on combined information in univariate calibration
    J. Stat. Theory Pract., 18 (2024) 3, Paper No. 32, 19.

  20. Krishnamoorthy, K. and Lv, Shanshan and Murshed, Md Monzur
    Combining independent tests for a common parameter of several continuous distributions: a new test and power comparisons
    Comm. Statist. Simulation Comput., 53 (2024) 4, 1837-1856.

  21. Krishnamoorthy, Kalimuthu and Murshed, Md Monzur
    Confidence estimation based on data from independent studies
    Stat. Methods Med. Res., 33 (2024) 1, 42-60.

  22. Krishnamoorthy, K. and Chakraberty, Saptarshi
    Confidence intervals for a ratio of percentiles of location-scale distributions
    J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 229 (2024), Paper No. 106089, 16.

  23. Komendarczyk, Rafal and Koytcheff, Robin and Voli\'c, Ismar,
    Diagrams for primitive cycles in spaces of pure braids and string links,
    Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 74 (4) (2024), 1745-1807.

  24. Deng, Qinwen, Zhang, Yangwen, and Li, Mo and Zhang, Songyang and Ding, Zhi,
    Efficient eigen-decomposition for low-rank symmetric matrices in graph signal processing: an incremental approach,
    IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 72 (2024), 4918-4934.

  25. Li, Mo, Hua, Xing, Li, Shuai, Wu, Michael C, and Zhao, Ni,
    A multi-bin rarefying method for evaluating alpha diversities in TCR sequencing data,
    Bioinformatics, 40 (7) (2024), btae431.

  26. Bayard, Sylvia and Lynd, Justin,
    Realizing finite groups as automizers,
    J. Group Theory, 27 4, (2024), 713-726.

  27. Channgam, Kanokwan, Unhapipat, Suntaree, and Pal, Nabendu,
    A statistical analysis of Bangkok traffic accident data,
    East-West J. Math., 25 (2) (2024), 145-171.

  28. Pham, Yen-Anh Thi, Nguyen, Quoc-Bao, and Pal, Nabendu,
    `Second degree english-major' at Sai Gon University: an analysis of recent students' performance,
    East-West J. Math., 25 (2) (2024), 133-144.

  29. Nguyen, Quoc-Bao, Pham, Yen-Anh Thi, and Pal, Nabendu,
    A simple strategy to invest in the Vietnamese stocks for a modest profit,
    East-West J. Math., 25 (2) (2024), 121-132.

  30. Chatterjee, Rahul and Pal, Nabendu
    A distribution-free goodness of fit test for copula model: an application to Farlie-Gumbel-Morgernstern copula
    J. Stat. Theory Pract., 18 (2024) 2, Paper No. 27, 19.

  31. Takoutsing, Lionel Fogang and Robert, Leonel,
    Distinguishing C*-algebras by their unitary groups,
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 152 (10) (2024), 4301-4310.

  32. Antoine, Ramon and Perera, Francesc and Robert, Leonel and Thiel, Hannes
    Traces on ultrapowers of C*-algebras
    J. Funct. Anal., 286 (2024) 8, Paper No. 110341, 65.

  33. Sang, Yongli and Dang, Xin,
    Asymptotic normality of a modified estimator of Gini distance correlation,
    Statist. Papers, 65 (8) (2024), 4843-4860.

  34. Sang, Yongli and Dang, Xin,
    Grouped feature screening for ultrahigh-dimensional classification via Gini distance correlation,
    J. Multivariate Anal., 204 (2024), Paper No. 105360, 15.

  35. S. Hewage and Y. Sang,
    Jackknife empirical likelihood confidence intervals for the categorical Gini correlation
    Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 231 (2024), 106123.

  36. Y. Sang,
    Test for diagonal symmetry in high dimension
    Statistics and Probability Letters, 205 (2024), 109960.

  37. Deng, Jiawei and Shu, Hongying and Tang, Sanyi and Wang, Lin and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Coexistence or extinction: dynamics of multiple lizard species with competition, dispersal and intraguild predation,
    J. Math. Biol., 89 (6) (2024), Paper No. 65, 37.

  38. Asante-Asamani, Emmanuel and Sheng, Qin and Wade, Bruce A. and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Preface: Application-oriented numerical computation and optimization---a celebration of 60 years of the IJCM,
    Int. J. Comput. Math., 101 (9-10) (2024), 919-921.

  39. Dai, Dan and Ismail, Mourad E. H. and Wang, Xiang-Sheng
    From continuous to discrete: weak limit of normalized Askey-Wilson measure
    Ramanujan J., 64 (2024) 1, 227-252.

  40. Shu, Hongying and Jin, Hai-Yang and Wang, Xiang-Sheng and Wu, Jianhong
    Viral infection dynamics with immune chemokines and CTL mobility modulated by the infected cell density
    J. Math. Biol., 88 (2024) 4, Paper No. 43, 34.

  41. Chen, Gang and Monk, Peter and Zhang, Yangwen,
    An HDG and CG method for the indefinite time-harmonic Maxwell's equations under minimal regularity,
    J. Sci. Comput., 101 (2) (2024), Paper No. 26, 24.

  42. Meche, Bailey and McEntire, Nathan and Hall, Melissa and Richter, Scott
    Effect of unequal variance on statistical tests for mixed paired and two-sample designs
    J. Stat. Theory Pract., 18 (2024) 3, Paper No. 40, 17.

Publications in 2023

  1. Azmy S. Ackleh, Amy Veprauskas, John Banks, and John Stark,
    Assessing critical population thresholds under periodic disturbances
    Ecosphere, 14 9 (2023).

  2. Azmy S. Ackleh, Amy Veprauskas, and Aijun Zhang,
    The impact of dispersal and allee effects on tick invasion: a spatially-explicit discrete-time modelling approach
    Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, (2023), 1-34.

  3. Azmy S. Ackleh, Jenita Jahangir, and Amy Veprauskas,
    The interplay between multiple control mechanisms in a host–parasitoid system: a discrete-time stage-structured modelling approach
    Journal of Biological Dynamics, 17 1 (2023), 2241483.

  4. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Lyons, Rainey and Saintier, Nicolas,
    Finite difference schemes for a size structured coagulation-fragmentation model in the space of Radon measures,
    IMA J. Numer. Anal., 43 6, (2023), 3357-3395.

  5. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Sikder, Sankar and Zhang, Aijun,
    A discrete-time predator-prey model with selection and mutation,
    in, Advances in discrete dynamical systems, difference equations and applications, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 416, (2023), 1-23.

  6. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Lyons, Rainey and Saintier, Nicolas,
    High resolution finite difference schemes for a size structured coagulation-fragmentation model in the space of Radon measures,
    Math. Biosci. Eng., 20 7, (2023), 11805-11820.

  7. Birkenmeier, Gary F., Nayil Kiliç, Figen Takil Mutlu, Edanur Taştan, Adnan Tercan, and Ramazan Yaşar,
    Baer and quasi-Baer annihilator conditions for nearrings and rings
    Comm. Algebra, 51 (2023), 3, 1063-1070.

  8. Al-Mallah, Omar and Birkenmeier, Gary and Alnoghashi, Hafedh,
    Nilary group rings and algebras,
    Turkish J. Math., 47 4, (2023), 1051-1072.

  9. LeJeune, Leah and Browne, Cameron,
    Effect of cross-immunity in a two-strain cholera model withaquatic component,
    Math. Biosci., 365, (2023), Paper No. 109086, 18.

  10. Browne, Cameron J. and Yahia, Fadoua,
    Virus-immune dynamics determined by prey-predator interaction network and epistasis in viral fitness landscape,
    J. Math. Biol., 86, (2023),Paper No. 9, 42.

  11. Deng, Keng and Wu, Yixiang
    Corrigendum: Dynamics of a susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemic reaction-diffusion model
    Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 153, (2023) 2, 718 - 720.

  12. Macdonald, J. C. and Gulbudak, H.,
    Forward hysteresis and Hopf bifurcation in an Npzd model with application to harmful algal blooms,
    J. Math. Biol., 87 3, (2023), Paper No. 45, 35.

  13. Hackney, Philip, Ozornova, Viktoriya, Riehl, Emily, and Rovelli, Martina,
    An (∞,2)-categorical pasting theorem,
    Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 376 (2023), 1, 555–597.

  14. Komendarczyk, Rafal and Koytcheff, Robin and Volić, Ismar,
    Diagrams for primitive cycles in spaces of pure braids and string links,
    Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 74 4, (2023), 1745-1807.

  15. Yu, Jianqi and Krishnamoorthy, Kalimuthu and Wang, Bin,
    Multivariate Behrens-Fisher problem using means of auxiliary variables,
    Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 52 17, (2023), 6103-6110.

  16. Krishnamoorthy, K. and Lv, Shanshan and Chakraberty, Saptarshi,
    A new confidence interval for the ratio of two normal means and comparisons,
    J. Stat. Comput. Simul., 93 5, (2023), 708-722.

  17. Henke, Ellen and Libman, Assaf and Lynd, Justin,
    Punctured groups for exotic fusion systems,
    Trans. London Math. Soc., 10 1, (2023), 21-99.

  18. Lynd, Justin and Semeraro, Jason,
    Weights in a Benson-Solomon block,
    Forum Math. Sigma, 11, (2023), Paper No. e60, 30.

  19. Ng, P. W. and Robin, Tracy,
    Projections and proper infiniteness for corona algebras,
    Oper. Matrices, 17 3, (2023), 671-691.

  20. Lin, Huaxin and Ng, Ping Wong,
    Extensions of C*-algebras by a small ideal,
    Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 12, (2013), 10350-10438.

  21. Shand, Grayden, Fuller, Daniel T., Lufkin, Leon, Lovelett, Carly, Pal, Nabendu, Mondal, Sumona, Sur, Shantanu,
    A Stronger Association of Depression with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Presence of Obesity and Hypertriglyceridemia,
    Front. Epidemiol., Sec. Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases and Prevention 3 (2023).

  22. Moodie, Mark and Robert, Leonel,
    Cones of traces arising from AF C*-algebras,
    Doc. Math., 28 6, (2023), 1279-1321.

  23. Chand, Abhinav and Robert, Leonel,
    Simplicity, bounded normal generation, and automatic continuity of groups of unitaries,
    Adv. Math., 415, (2023)Paper No. 108894, 52.

  24. Archbold, Robert J. and Gogić, Ilja and Robert, Leonel,
    Local variants of the Dixmier property and weak centrality for C*-algebras,
    Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, (2023) 2, 1483-1513.

  25. Y. Sang and X. Dang,
    Asymptotic Normality of Gini Correlation in High Dimension with Applications to the K-sample Problem.
    Electronic Journal of Statistics, 17 (2023), 2539-2574.

  26. Zachary Denton and Vatsala, A. S.,
    Existence in the Large for Caputo Fractional Multi-Order Systems with Initial Conditions,
    Foundations, 3 (2023), 260-274.

  27. Vatsala, A. S. and Pageni, Govinda,
    Series Solution Method for Solving Sequential Caputo Fractional Differential Equations,
    Applied Math, (2023) 3, 730-740.

  28. Vatsala, A. S. and Pageni, Govinda,
    System of Caputo Fractional Differential Equations with Applications to Predator and Prey Model,
    J. of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences, (2021) 46, 1-18. (appeared in 2023)

  29. Arindam Sutradhar and Vatsala, A. S.,
    Study of Caputo Time Fractional Transport Equation,
    Mathematics In Engineering, Science And Aerospace, MESA, (2023) 14, 1181-1204.

  30. Vatsala, A. S. and Pageni, Govinda,
    Caputo Sequential Fractional Differential Equations with Applications,
    in Synergies in Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Soft Computing and Modelling, Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics Series, Springer, (2023), 83-102.

  31. Tung D. Nguyen, Yixiang Wu, Amy Veprauskas, Tingting Tang, Ying Zhou, Charlotte Beckford, Brian Chau, Xiaoyun Chen, Behzad Djafari Rouhani, Yuerong Wu, Yang Yang, and Zhisheng Shuai,
    Maximizing metapopulation growth rate and biomass in stream networks
    SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 83 6 (2023), 2145-2168.

  32. Tung D. Nguyen, Yixiang Wu, Tingting Tang, Amy Veprauskas, Ying Zhou, Behzad Djafari Rouhani, and Zhisheng Shuai,
    Impact of resource distributions on the competition of species in stream environment
    Journal of Mathematical Biology, 87 62 (2023).

  33. Afolabi, Y. O. and Wade, B. A.,
    Dynamics of transmission of a Monkeypox epidemic in the presence of an imperfect vaccination,
    Results Appl. Math., 19, (2023), Paper No. 100391, 18.

  34. Yusuf O. Afolabi, Toheeb A. Biala, Olaniyi S. Iyiola, Abdul Q. M. Khaliq, and Bruce A. Wade
    A Second-Order Crank-Nicolson-Type Scheme for Nonlinear Space–Time Reaction–Diffusion Equations on Time-Graded Meshes,
    Fractal Fractional, 7 1, (2023), 40. (Published: 30 December 2022.)
  35. Liu, Jun and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Dynamic optimal allocation of medical resources: a case study of face masks during the first COVID-19 epidemic wave in the United States,
    Math. Biosci. Eng., 20 7, (2023), 12472-12485.

  36. Xu, Wanxiao and Shu, Hongying and Wang, Lin and Wang, Xiang-Sheng and Watmough, James,
    The importance of quarantine: modelling the COVID-19 testing process,
    J. Math. Biol., 86 5, (2023), Paper No. 81, 21.

  37. Shi, Wei and Nemes, Gerg\Ho and Wang, Xiang-Sheng and Wong, Roderick
    Error bounds for the asymptotic expansions of the Hermite polynomials
    Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 153, (2023) 2, 417 - 440.

  38. Shu, Hongying and Pan, Xuejun and Wade, Bruce and Wang, Xiang-Sheng
    Traveling waves of nonlocal delayed disease models: critical wave speed and propagation speed
    Appl. Anal., 102, (2023) 2, 385 - 405. (Published online: 15 Jul 2021.)
  39. Deng, Jiawei and Shu, Hongying and Wang, Lin and Wang, Xiang-Sheng
    Viral dynamics with immune responses: effects of distributed delays and Filippov antiretroviral therapy
    J. Math. Biol., 86, (2023) 3, Paper No. 37, 29.

  40. Jiang, Yi and Liu, Jun and Wang, Xiang-Sheng
    A direct parallel-in-time quasi-boundary value method for inverse space-dependent source problems
    J. Comput. Appl. Math., 423, (2023), Paper No. 114958, 19.

  41. He, Yunhui and Liu, Jun and Wang, Xiang-Sheng
    Optimized sparse approximate inverse smoothers for solving Laplacian linear systems
    Linear Algebra Appl., 656, (2023), 304 - 323.

  42. Yu Wang, Manyu Li, Xiang-Sheng Wang, Amanda Gildersleeve, and Nadia Turki
    ATRP Kinetic Simulator: An Online Open Resource Educational Tool Using Jupyter Notebook and Google Colaboratory,
    J. Chem. Educ., 100 (2023), 2770−2775.

  43. Chen, Gang and Han, Daozhi and Singler, John R. and Zhang, Yangwen,
    On the superconvergence of a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation,
    SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 61 1, (2023), 83-109.

  44. Chen, Gang and Xie, Xiaoping and Xu, Youcai and Zhang, Yangwen,
    A locking-free stabilized embedded discontinuous Galerkin method for linear elasticity with strong symmetric stress and continuous displacement trace approximation,
    Comput. Math. Appl., 134, (2023), 66-86.

Publications in 2022

  1. Ackleh, A. S. and Veprauskas, A.
    Modeling the invasion and establishment of a tick-borne pathogen,
    Ecological Modelling, 467, (2022), 109915.

  2. Birkenmeier, Gary F. and Kara, Yeliz and Tercan, Adnan,
    Corrigendum: Quasi-s. Baer and related modules,
    J. Algebra Appl., 21, (2022) 4, Paper No. 2392001, 3.

  3. Birkenmeier, Gary F. and Kara, Yeliz and Tercan, Adnan,
    Quasi-s. Baer and related modules,
    J. Algebra Appl., 21, (2022) 3, Paper No. 2250051, 24.

  4. Browne, Cameron J. and Gulbudak, Hayriye and Macdonald, Joshua C.,
    Differential impacts of contact tracing and lockdowns on outbreak size in COVID-19 model applied to China,
    J. Theoret. Biol., 532, (2022), Paper No. 110919, 19.

  5. Gulbudak, Hayriye and Qu, Zhuolin and Milner, Fabio and Tuncer, Necibe,
    Sensitivity analysis in an immuno-epidemiological vector-host model,
    Bull. Math. Biol., 84, (2022) 2, Paper No. 27, 32.

  6. Drummond-Cole, Gabriel C. and Hackney, Philip,
    Coextension of scalars in operad theory,
    Math. Z., 301, (2022) 1, 275-314.

  7. Chu, Hongyi and Hackney, Philip,
    On rectification and enrichment of infinity properads,
    J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2), 105, (2022) 3, 1418-1517.

  8. Hackney, Philip and Rovelli, Martina,
    Induced model structures for higher categories,
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 150, (2022), 11, 4629-4644.

  9. Chowdhury, Faysal A. and Krishnamoorthy, K.
    Statistical intervals for Maxwell distributions
    J. Stat. Theory Pract., 16, (2022) 3, Paper No. 45, 28.

  10. Dang, Bao-Anh and Krishnamoorthy, K.
    Confidence intervals, prediction intervals and tolerance intervals for negative binomial distributions
    Statist. Papers, 63, (2022) 3, 795 - 820.

  11. Lv, Shanshan and Krishnamoorthy, K.
    Fiducial confidence intervals for proportions in finite populations: one- and two-sample problems
    Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 51, (2022) 12, 4179 - 4195.

  12. Krishnamoorthy, K. and Lv, S. and Murshed, M. M.
    Combining Independent Tests for a Common Parameter of Several Continuous Distributions: A New Test and Power Comparisons,
    Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, (2022) (Published online: 06 Apr 2022).

  13. Krishnamoorthy, K. and Chakraberty, S.
    Construction of simultaneous tolerance intervals for several normal distributions,
    Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 92 (2022) 1, 101-114.

  14. Jianqi Yu and Kalimuthu Krishnamoorthy and Bin Wang
    Multivariate Behrens-Fisher problem using means of auxiliary variables,
    Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, (2022) (Published online: 12 Jan 2022).

  15. Henke, Ellen and Lynd, Justin,
    Fusion systems with Benson- Solomon components,
    Duke Math. J., 171, (2022) 3, 673-737.

  16. Ng, Ping Wong
    Purely infinite corona algebras and extensions
    J. Noncommut. Geom., 16, (2022) 4, 1363 - 1395.

  17. Ng, P. W.
    Remarks on the extension group for purely infinite corona algebras
    Linear Multilinear Algebra, 70, (2022) 13, 2459 - 2504.

  18. Ng, Ping Wong
    Real rank zero for purely infinite corona algebras
    Rocky Mountain J. Math., 52, (2022) 1, 243 - 261.

  19. Chand, Abhinav and Ng, P. W. and Sutradhar, Arindam,
    Multiplier unitary groups, extension groups, and $K_1$-injectivity,
    Banach J. Math. Anal., 16, (2022) 2, Paper No. 22, 34.

  20. Ng, P. W. and Robin, Tracy,
    Properly infinite corona algebras,
    New York J. Math., 28, (2022), 69-89.

  21. Antoine, Ramon and Perera, Francesc and Robert, Leonel and Thiel, Hannes,
    C*-algebras of stable rank one and their Cuntz semigroups,
    Duke Math. J., 171, (2022) 1, 33-99.

  22. Salceanu, Paul L.
    Robust uniform persistence for structured models of delay differential equations
    Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 27, (2022) 9, 4923 - 4939.

  23. Huang, Qihua and Salceanu, Paul L. and Wang, Hao,
    Dispersal-driven coexistence in a multiple-patch competition model for zebra and quagga mussels,
    J. Difference Equ. Appl., 28, (2022) 2, 183-197.

  24. Antony Vijesh, V. and Vatsala, A. S.
    An accelerated technique for the coupled system of reaction-diffusion-transport equations arising from catalytic converters
    J. Math. Anal. Appl., 515, (2022) 2, Paper No. 126365, 39.

  25. Vatsala, A. S., Pageni, Govinda and Vijesh, V. Anthony,
    Analysis of Sequential Caputo Fractional Differential Equations versus Non-Sequential Caputo Fractional Differential Equations with Applications,
    Foundations 2, (2022), 1129-1142.

  26. Thu Nguyen and Khoi Minh Nguyen-Duy and Duy Ho Minh Nguyen and Binh T.Nguyen and Bruce Alan Wade
    DPER: Direct Parameter Estimation for Randomly missing data,
    Knowledge-Based Systems, 240, (2022), 108082: 1-11.

  27. Shi, Xiaoping and Wang, Xiang-Sheng and Reid, Nancy
    A new class of weighted CUSUM statistics
    Entropy, 24, (2022) 11, Paper No. 1652, 23.

  28. Zhang, Xue and Scarabel, Francesca and Wang, Xiang-Sheng and Wu, Jianhong
    Global continuation of periodic oscillations to a diapause rhythm
    J. Dynam. Differential Equations, 34, (2022) 4, 2819 - 2839.

  29. Shu, Hongying and Xu, Wanxiao and Wang, Xiang-Sheng and Wu, Jianhong
    Spatiotemporal patterns of a structured spruce budworm diffusive model
    J. Differential Equations, 336, (2022), 427 - 455.

  30. Liu, Jun and Wang, Xiang-Sheng and Wu, Shu-Lin and Zhou, Tao
    A well-conditioned direct PinT algorithm for first- and second-order evolutionary equations
    Adv. Comput. Math., 48, (2022) 3, Paper No. 16, 29.

  31. Cao, Lihua and Ghimire, Srijana and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Bivariate Lagrange interpolation at the checkerboard nodes,
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 150, (2022) 5, 2153-2163.

Publications in 2021

  1. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Elaydi, Saber and Livadiotis, George and Veprauskas, Amy,
    A continuous-time mathematical model and discrete approximations for the aggregation of β-amyloid,
    J. Biol. Dyn., 15, (2021) 1, 109-136.

  2. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Salceanu, Paul L. and Veprauskas, Amy,
    A nullcline approach to global stability in discrete-time predator-prey models,
    J. Difference Equ. Appl., 27, (2021) 8, 1120-1133.

  3. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Veprauskas, Amy,
    Frequency-dependent evolution in a predator-prey system,
    Nat. Resour. Model., 34, (2021) 3, e12308, 28.

  4. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Hossain, MD Istiaq and Veprauskas, Amy and Zhang, Aijun,
    Corrigendum to "Persistence and stability analysis of discrete-time predator-prey models: a study of population and evolutionary dynamics'', Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 25(2019), 1568-1603,
    J. Difference Equ. Appl., 27, (2021) 3, 478-479.

  5. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Lyons, Rainey and Saintier, Nicolas,
    A structured coagulation-fragmentation equation in the space of radon measures: unifying discrete and continuous models,
    ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 55, (2021) 5, 2473-2501.

  6. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Miller, Robert L.,
    A multi-region nonlinear size-structured population model with coagulation and vertical effects,
    Adv. Pure Appl. Math., 12, (2021) Special issue, 71-95.

  7. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Miller, Robert L.,
    Second-order finite difference approximation for a nonlinear size-structured population model with an indefinite growth rate coupled with the environment,
    Calcolo, 58, (2021) 2, Paper No. 29, 43.

  8. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Saintier, Nicolas,
    Diffusive limit to a selection-mutation equation with small mutation formulated on the space of measures,
    Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 26, (2021) 3, 1469-1497.

  9. Birkenmeier, Gary F. and Kara, Yeliz,
    A partial order on subsets of Baer bimodules with applications to $C^*$-modules,
    J. Algebra Appl., 20, (2021) 11, Paper No. 2150195, 19.

  10. Birkenmeier, Gary F. and Kara, Yeliz and Tercan, Adnan,
    $\pi$- Rickart rings,
    J. Algebra Appl., 20, (2021) 8, Paper No. 2150137, 24.

  11. Anderson, Jeffrey R. and Deng, Keng,
    Blow up and global solvability for an absorptive porous medium equation with memory at the boundary,
    IMA J. Appl. Math., 86, (2021) 6, 1327-1348.

  12. Deng, Keng and Wu, Yixiang,
    Global attractivity of delayed and nonlocal diffusive logistic models with variable coefficients,
    J. Differential Equations, 299, (2021), 229-255.

  13. Deng, Keng and Huang, Qihua,
    On a nonlinear nonlocal model for a population with separate dispersal and sedentary stages,
    Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 62, (2021), Paper No. 103366, 19.

  14. Gulbudak, Hayriye and Salceanu, Paul L. and Wolkowicz, Gail S. K.,
    A delay model for persistent viral infections in replicating cells,
    J. Math. Biol., 82, (2021) 7, Paper No. 59, 52.

  15. Drummond-Cole, Gabriel C. and Hackney, Philip,
    Dwyer- Kan homotopy theory for cyclic operads,
    Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2), 64, (2021) 1, 29-58.

  16. Havens, Andrew and Koytcheff, Robin,
    Spaces of knots in the solid torus, knots in the thickened torus, and links in the 3-sphere,
    Geom. Dedicata, 214, (2021), 671-737.

  17. Hoang-Nguyen-Thuy, Ngan and Krishnamoorthy, K.,
    Estimation of the probability content in a specified interval using fiducial approach,
    J. Appl. Stat., 48, (2021) 9, 1541-1558.

  18. Hoang-Nguyen-Thuy, Ngan and Krishnamoorthy, K.,
    A method for computing tolerance intervals for a location-scale family of distributions,
    Comput. Statist., 36, (2021) 2, 1065-1092.

  19. Dang, B-A. and Krishnamoorthy, K.,
    Confidence intervals, prediction intervals and tolerance intervals for negative binomial distributions,
    Stat Papers (2021), (Published 13 August 2021)

  20. Bao-Anh Dang and Krishnamoorthy, K. and Shanshan Lv,
    Confidence Intervals for a Population Size Based on Capture-Recapture Data,
    American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 40 (2021), 212–224.

  21. Nguyen, Duong T. A. and Li, Longfei and Ji, Hangjie,
    Stable and accurate numerical methods for generalized Kirchhoff- Love plates,
    J. Engrg. Math., 130, (2021), Paper No. 6, 26.

  22. Glauberman, George and Lynd, Justin,
    Rigid automorphisms of linking systems,
    Forum Math. Sigma, 9, (2021), Paper No. e23, 20.

  23. Kilpack, Martha L. H. and Magidin, Arturo,
    The lattice of algebraic closure operators on an infinite subgroup lattice,
    Comm. Algebra, 49, (2021) 7, 2906-2915.

  24. Ng, P. W.,
    On the unitary group of the multiplier algebra of the Razak algebra,
    Studia Math., 256, (2021) 1, 93-107.

  25. Jena, Adarsha Kumar and Tripathy, Manas Ranjan and Pal Nabendu,
    Alternative estimation of the common mean of two normal populations with order restricted variances,
    REVSTAT, 19, (2021) 3, 327-362.

  26. Chand, Abhinav and Robert, Leonel and Sutradhar, Arindam,
    Simultaneous averaging to zero by unitary mixing operators,
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 149, (2021) 12, 5169-5177.

  27. Robert, Leonel and Santiago, Luis,
    A revised augmented Cuntz semigroup,
    Math. Scand., 127, (2021) 1, 131-160.

  28. Farah, Ilijas and Hart, Bradd and Lupini, Martino and Robert, Leonel and Tikuisis, Aaron and Vignati, Alessandro and Winter, Wilhelm,
    Model theory of C*-algebras,
    Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., 271, (2021) 1324, viii+127.

  29. Antoine, Ramon and Perera, Francesc and Robert, Leonel and Thiel, Hannes,
    Edwards' condition for quasitraces on C*-algebras,
    Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 151, (2021) 2, 525-547.

  30. Sang, Yongli and Dang, Xin and Zhao, Yichuan,
    A Jackknife empirical likelihood approach for $K$-sample Tests,
    Canad. J. Statist., 49, (2021) 4, 1115-1135.

  31. Sang, Yongli,
    A jackknife empirical likelihood approach for testing the homogeneity of $K$ variances,
    Metrika, 84, (2021) 7, 1025-1048.

  32. Govinda Pageni and Aghalaya S Vatsala,
    Study of Two System of Caputo Fractional Differential Equations with Initial Conditions via Laplace Transform Method,
    Neural Parallel and Scientific Computations, 29, (2021), No. 2, 69-83.

  33. Govinda Pageni and Aghalaya S Vatsala,
    Study of Three Systems of Non-Linear Caputo Fractional Differential Equations with Initial Conditions and Applications
    Neural Parallel and Scientific Computations, 29, (2021), No. 4, 211-229.

  34. Nguyen, Thu and Nguyen, Duy H. M. and Nguyen, Huy and Nguyen, Binh T. and Wade, Bruce A.,
    EPEM: efficient parameter estimation for multiple class monotone missing data,
    Inform. Sci., 567, (2021) 1-22.

  35. Guirao, Juan L. G. and Llibre, Jaume and Vera, Juan A. and Wade, Bruce A.,
    Periodic solutions and their stability for some perturbed Hamiltonian systems,
    Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys., 18, (2021) 1, Paper No. 2150013, 13.

  36. S. Ghimire and Xiang-Sheng Wang
    Traveling waves in cooperative predation: Relaxation of sublinearity
    Mathematics in Applied Sciences and Engineering, (2021) 2, 22-31.

  37. Shu, Hongying and Ma, Zongwei and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Threshold dynamics of a nonlocal and delayed cholera model in a spatially heterogeneous environment,
    J. Math. Biol., 83, (2021) 4, Paper No, 41, 33.

  38. Ghimire, Srijana and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Competition and cooperation on predation: bifurcation theory of mutualism,
    J. Biol. Systems, 29, (2021) 1, 49-73.

Publications in 2020

  1. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Hossain, Md. Istiaq and Veprauskas, Amy and Zhang, Aijun,
    Persistence of a discrete-time predator-prey model with stage-structure in the predator,
    Progress on difference equations and discrete dynamical systems, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 341 (2020), 145-163.

  2. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Hossain, Md Istiaq and Veprauskas, Amy and Zhang, Aijun,
    Long-term dynamics of discrete-time predator-prey models: stability of equilibria, cycles and chaos,
    J. Difference Equ. Appl., 26, (2020) 5, 693-726.

  3. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Saintier, Nicolas,
    Well-posedness of a system of transport and diffusion equations in space of measures,
    J. Math. Anal. Appl., 492, (2020) 1, 124397, 28.

  4. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Lyons, Rainey and Saintier, Nicolas,
    Finite difference schemes for a structured population model in the space of measures,
    Math. Biosci. Eng., 17, (2020) 1, 745-775.

  5. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Saintier, Nicolas and Skrzeczkowski, Jakub,
    Sensitivity equations for measure-valued solutions to transport equations,
    Math. Biosci. Eng., 17, (2020) 1, 514-537.

  6. Nathan R. Dolenc, Patricia Beaulieu, Peter Sheppard
    Maintaining Scientific Inquiry in Online Education
    Research Issues in Contemporary Education 5 (2020) no. 3, 13-25.

  7. Elizabeth Grossie, Lerri L. Cockrell, Natalie Davis, Patricia Beaulieu
    Mathematics Enrichment Camp Experiences Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Teacher Voices and Perspectives
    Research Issues in Contemporary Education 5 (2020) no. 3, 56-71.

  8. Katherine Eddings, Durga D Poudel, Timothy W. Duex, Robert Miller, and J. Calvin Berry
    Changing Climatic Conditions Affect Surface Water Quality in Southwestern Louisiana in the United States
    Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, (2020) 39, 355-380. (published 5 July 2021)

  9. Ánh, Pham N. and Birkenmeier, Gary F. and van Wyk, Leon,
    Peirce decompositions, idempotents and rings,
    J. Algebra, 564, (2020) 247-275.

  10. Birkenmeier, Gary F. and Kara, Yeliz and Tercan, Adnan,
    $\pi$-endo Baer modules,
    Comm. Algebra, 48, (2020) 3, 1132-1149.

  11. Birkenmeier, Gary F. and Davis, Donald D.,
    FI-extending generalized matrix rings,
    J. Algebra Appl., 19, (2020) 1, 2050018, 8.

  12. Browne, Cameron J. and Pan, Xuejun and Shu, Hongying and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Resonance of periodic combination antiviral therapy and intracellular delays in virus model,
    Bull. Math. Biol., 82, (2020) 2, Paper No. 29, 29.

  13. Browne, Cameron J. and Cheng, Chang-Yuan,
    Age-structured viral dynamics in a host with multiple compartments,
    Math. Biosci. Eng., 17, (2020) 1, 538-574.

  14. Deng, Keng and Webb, Glenn F. and Wu, Yixiang,
    Analysis of age and spatially dependent population model: application to forest growth,
    Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 56, (2020), 103164, 23.

  15. Anderson, Jeffrey R. and Deng, Keng,
    Global solvability for a diffusion model with absorption and memory-driven flux at the boundary,
    Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 71, (2020) 2, Paper No. 50, 15.

  16. Gulbudak, Hayriye and Browne, Cameron J.,
    Infection severity across scales in multi-strain immuno-epidemiological Dengue model structured by host antibody level,
    J. Math. Biol., 80, (2020) 6, 1803-1843.

  17. Gulbudak, Hayriye,
    An immuno-epidemiological vector-host model with within-vector viral kinetics,
    J. Biol. Systems, 28, (2020) 2, 233-275.

  18. Hackney, Philip and Robertson, Marcy and Yau, Donald,
    Modular operads and the nerve theorem,
    Adv. Math., 370, (2020), 107206, 39.

  19. Hackney, Philip and Robertson, Marcy and Yau, Donald,
    A graphical category for higher modular operads,
    Adv. Math., 365, (2020), 107044, 61.

  20. Komendarczyk, Rafal and Koytcheff, Robin and Volić, Ismar,
    Diagram complexes, formality, and configuration space integrals for spaces of braids,
    Q. J. Math., 71, (2020) 2, 729-779.

  21. Yu, Jianqi and Krishnamoorthy, K. and He, Yafei,
    Testing equality of two normal covariance matrices with monotone missing data,
    Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 49, (2020) 16, 3911-3918.

  22. Krishnamoorthy, K. and Lv, Shanshan,
    Prediction intervals for hypergeometric distributions,
    Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 49, (2020) 6, 1528-1536.

  23. Krishnamoorthy, K. and Waguespack, Dustin and Hoang-Nguyen-Thuy, Ngan,
    Confidence interval, prediction interval and tolerance limits for a two-parameter Rayleigh distribution,
    J. Appl. Stat., 47, (2020) 1, 160-175, Published online: 25 Jun 2019.

  24. Lv, S. and Krishnamoorthy, K.
    Fiducial confidence intervals for proportions in finite populations: One- and two-sample problems,
    Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Published online: 27 Aug 2020.

  25. K. Krishnamoorthy and Thu Nguyen and Yongli Sang
    Tests for Comparing Several Two-Parameter Exponential Distributions Based on Uncensored/Censored Samples,
    Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 19, (2020) 2, 248 - 260.

  26. Dustin Waguespack and K. Krishnamoorthy and Meesook Lee
    Tests and Confidence Intervals for the Mean of a Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution,
    American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 39, (2020) 4, 383-390, Published online: 22 Jun 2020.

  27. Li, Longfei,
    A split-step finite-element method for incompressible Navier- Stokes equations with high-order accuracy up-to the boundary,
    J. Comput. Phys., 408, (2020), 109274, 28.

  28. Glauberman, George and Guralnick, Robert and Lynd, Justin and Navarro, Gabriel,
    Centers of Sylow subgroups and automorphisms,
    Israel J. Math., 240, (2020) 1, 253-266.

  29. Loreaux, Jireh and Ng, P. W.,
    Remarks on essential codimension,
    Integral Equations Operator Theory, 92, (2020) 1, Paper No. 4, 35.

  30. Vanderford, Courtney and Sang, Yongli and Dang, Xin,
    Two symmetric and computationally efficient Gini correlations,
    Depend. Model., 8, (2020) 1, 373-395.

  31. Sang, Yongli and Dang, Xin and Zhao, Yichuan,
    Depth-based weighted jackknife empirical likelihood for non-smooth $U$-structure equations: WJEL for $U$-structure equations,
    TEST, 29, (2020) 2, 573-598.

  32. Sang, Yongli and Dang, Xin,
    Empirical likelihood test for diagonal symmetry,
    Statist. Probab. Lett., 156, (2020), 108595, 9.

  33. Bai, Y. and Vatsala, A. S.,
    Numerical results for sequential sub hyperbolic equation in one dimensional space,
    Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace 11 (2020) no. 3, 595-611.

  34. A.S. Vatsala and Bhuvaneswari Sambandham,
    Sequential Caputo versus Nonsequential Caputo Fractional Initial and Boundary Value Problems,
    International Journal of Difference Equations 15 (2020) no. 2, 529–544.

  35. Subhash Subedi and Vatsala, A.S.
    Quenching Problem for Two Dimensional Caputo Time-Fractional Reaction-Diffusion Equation
    Dynamic Systems and Applications 29 (2020) no. 1, 26-52.

  36. Bai, Y. and Vatsala, A. S.,
    Generalized monotone method for nonlinear Caputo fractional impulsive differential equations,
    Nonlinear Dyn. Syst. Theory, 20, (2020) 1, 3-20.

  37. Bai, Y. and Vatsala, A. S.,
    Numerical Results for Nonlinear Caputo Fractional Impulsive Differential Equations via Generalized Monotone Method,
    Neural Parallel and Scientific Computations, 28, (2020), No. 1, 19-36.

  38. Asante-Asamani, E. O. and Kleefeld, A. and Wade, Bruce A.,
    A second-order exponential time differencing scheme for non-linear reaction-diffusion systems with dimensional splitting,
    J. Comput. Phys., 415, (2020) 109490, 18.

  39. Y. He and S. Chen and T. Nguyen and B.A. Wade and X Wu,
    On Deep Matrix Tri-Factorization for Mining Vertex-wise Interactions in Multi-Space Attributed Graphs,
    Proceedings of the 2020 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), (2020), 334-342.

  40. Shu, Hongying and Xu, Wanxiao and Wang, Xiang-Sheng and Wu, Jianhong,
    Complex dynamics in a delay differential equation with two delays in tick growth with diapause,
    J. Differential Equations, 269, (2020) 12, 10937-10963.

  41. Shu, Hongying and Ma, Zongwei and Wang, Xiang-Sheng and Wang, Lin,
    Viral diffusion and cell-to-cell transmission: mathematical analysis and simulation study,
    J. Math. Pures Appl. (9), 137, (2020), 290-313.

  42. Li, Yu-Tian and Wang, Xiang-Sheng and Wong, Roderick,
    Asymptotics of the Wilson polynomials,
    Anal. Appl. (Singap.), 18, (2020) 2, 237-270.

  43. Long, Wen-Gao and Dai, Dan and Li, Yu-Tian and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with asymptotic Freud-like weights,
    Stud. Appl. Math., 144, (2020) 2, 133-163.

  44. Dai, Dan and Ismail, Mourad E. H. and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    On a Ramanujan type entire function and its zeros,
    J. Math. Anal. Appl., 485, (2020) 2, 123856, 16.

Publications in 2019

  1. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Hossain, Md Istiaq and Veprauskas, Amy and Zhang, Aijun,
    Persistence and stability analysis of discrete-time predator-prey models: a study of population and evolutionary dynamics,
    J. Difference Equ. Appl., 25, (2019) 11, 1568-1603.

  2. Ackleh, A. S. and Caswell, H. and Chiquet, R. A. and Tang, T. and Veprauskas, Amy,
    Sensitivity analysis of the recovery time for a population under the impact of an environmental disturbance,
    Nat. Resour. Model., 32, (2019) 1, e12166, 22.

  3. Ackleh, Azmy S. and Miller, Robert L.,
    A numerical method for a nonlinear structured population model with an indefinite growth rate coupled with the environment,
    Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations, 35, (2019) 6, 2348-2374.

  4. Birkenmeier, Gary F. and LeBlanc, Richard L.,
    FI-extending hulls of Abelian groups,
    Beitr. Algebra Geom., 60, (2019) 4, 671-678.

  5. Birkenmeier, Gary F. and Almallah, Omar,
    A classification of indecomposable quasi- Frobenius rings I,
    Comm. Algebra, 47, (2019) 12, 5121-5132.

  6. Birkenmeier, Gary F. and Heider, Blaise J.,
    Annihilators and extensions of idempotent-generated ideals,
    Comm. Algebra, 47, (2019) 3, 1348-1375.

  7. Birkenmeier, Gary F. and Kara, Yeliz and Tercan, Adnan,
    A survey of rings satisfying annihilator or extending conditions on projection invariant ideals,
    Advances in algebra, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 277, (2019), 53-65.

  8. Daniel G. Davis, Hans-Werner Henn, J. F. Jardine, Mark W. Johnson, and Charles Rezk - editors,
    Homotopy theory: tools and applications
    Proceedings of the conference Homotopy Theory: Tools and Applications, in honor of Paul Goerss's 60th birthday, held from July 17–21, 2017, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.
    Contemporary Mathematics, Volume: 729, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, (2019), xi+268 pp.

  9. Deng, Keng and Huang, Qihua,
    A hybrid parabolic and hyperbolic equation model for a population with separate dispersal and stationary stages: well-posedness and population persistence,
    SIAM J. Appl. Math., 79, (2019) 6, 2265-2287.

  10. Deng, Keng,
    Asymptotic behavior of an SIR reaction-diffusion model with a linear source,
    Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 24, (2019) 11, 5945-5957.

  11. Gulbudak, Hayriye and Weitz, Joshua S.,
    Heterogeneous viral strategies promote coexistence in virus-microbe systems,
    J. Theoret. Biol., 462, (2019), 65-84.

  12. Drummond-Cole, Gabriel C. and Hackney, Philip,
    A criterion for existence of right-induced model structures,
    Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 51, (2019) 2, 309-326.

  13. Hackney, Philip and Robertson, Marcy and Yau, Donald,
    Higher cyclic operads,
    Algebr. Geom. Topol., 19, (2019) 2, 863-940.

  14. Koytcheff, Robin,
    Bott-Taubes-Vassiliev cohomology classes by cut-and-paste topology,
    Internat. J. Math., 30, (2019) 10, 1950047, 64.

  15. Koytcheff, Robin and Volić, Ismar,
    Milnor invariants of string links, trivalent trees, and configuration space integrals,
    Topology Appl., 251, (2019), 47-69.

  16. Weerahandi, S. and Krishnamoorthy, K.,
    A note reconciling ANOVA tests under unequal error variance,
    Comm. Statist. Theory Methods, 48, (2019) 3, 689-693.

  17. Ji, Hangjie and Li, Longfei,
    Numerical methods for thermally stressed shallow shell equations,
    J. Comput. Appl. Math., 362, (2019), 626-652.

  18. Kessar, Radha and Linckelmann, Markus and Lynd, Justin and Semeraro, Jason,
    Weight conjectures for fusion systems,
    Adv. Math., 357, (2019), 106825, 40.

  19. Kaftal, Victor and Ng, P. W. and Zhang, Shuang,
    Purely infinite corona algebras,
    J. Operator Theory, 82, (2019) 2, 307-355.

  20. Ng, P. W. and Robin, Tracy,
    Generalized quasidiagonality for extensions,
    Banach J. Math. Anal., 13, (2019) 3, 582-598.

  21. Ng, P. W. and Robin, Tracy,
    Functorial properties of $\rm Ext_u(\cdot,\Cal B)$ when $\Cal B$ is simple with continuous scale,
    J. Operator Theory, 81, (2019) 2, 481-498.

  22. Giordano, Thierry and Ng, P. W.,
    A relative bicommutant theorem: the stable case of Pedersen's question,
    Adv. Math., 342, (2019), 1-13.

  23. Tanaka, Hidekazu and Pal Nabendu and Lim, Wooi K.,
    On second-order improved estimation of a gamma scale parameter,
    Statistics, 53, (2019) 5, 968-989.

  24. Thiuthad, Phontita and Pal Nabendu,
    Point estimation of the location parameter of a skew-normal distribution: some fixed sample and asymptotic results,
    J. Stat. Theory Pract., 13, (2019) 2, Paper No. 37, 27.

  25. Robert, Leonel,
    Normal subgroups of invertibles and of unitaries in a C*-algebra,
    J. Reine Angew. Math., 756, (2019), 285-319.

  26. Sang, Yongli and Dang, Xin and Zhao, Yichuan,
    Jackknife empirical likelihood methods for Gini correlations and their equality testing,
    J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 199, (2019), 45-59.

  27. Vatsala, A. S. and Bai, Yunxiang,
    One dimensional sub-hyperbolic equation via sequential Caputo fractional derivative,
    J. Comb. Inf. Syst. Sci., 44, (2019) 1-4, 91-102.

  28. Huang, Xiao-Min and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Traveling waves of diffusive disease models with time delay and degeneracy,
    Math. Biosci. Eng., 16, (2019) 4, 2391-2410.

  29. Hager, William W. and Hou, Hongyan and Mohapatra, Subhashree and Rao, Anil V. and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Correction to: Convergence rate for a Radau hp collocation method applied to constrained optimal control,
    Comput. Optim. Appl., 74, (2019) 1, 315-316.

  30. Hager, William W. and Hou, Hongyan and Mohapatra, Subhashree and Rao, Anil V. and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Convergence rate for a Radau hp collocation method applied to constrained optimal control,
    Comput. Optim. Appl., 74, (2019) 1, 275-314.

  31. Liu, Jun and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Numerical optimal control of a size-structured PDE model for metastatic cancer treatment,
    Math. Biosci., 314, (2019), 28-42.

  32. Shu, Hongying and Pan, Xuejun and Wang, Xiang-Sheng and Wu, Jianhong,
    Traveling waves in epidemic models: non-monotone diffusive systems with non-monotone incidence rates,
    J. Dynam. Differential Equations, 31, (2019) 2, 883-901.

  33. Ismail, Mourad E. H. and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    On quasi-orthogonal polynomials: their differential equations, discriminants and electrostatics,
    J. Math. Anal. Appl., 474, (2019) 2, 1178-1197.

  34. Pan, Xuejun and Shu, Hongying and Wang, Lin and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Dirichlet problem for a delayed diffusive hematopoiesis model,
    Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 48, (2019), 493-516.

  35. Dai, Dan and Ismail, Mourad E. H. and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Asymptotics of partition functions in a fermionic matrix model and of related $q$-polynomials,
    Stud. Appl. Math., 142, (2019) 1, 91-105.

  36. Dai, Dan and Ismail, Mourad E. H. and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Doubly infinite Jacobi matrices revisited: resolvent and spectral measure,
    Adv. Math., 343, (2019), 157-192.

  37. Huang, Xiao-Min and Cao, Lihua and Wang, Xiang-Sheng,
    Asymptotic expansion of orthogonal polynomials via difference equations,
    J. Approx. Theory, 239, (2019), 29-50.