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Course Selection Notes

Courses with the mths prefix

There are two versions of math 102, math 105, and math 109. The mths versions, mths 102, mths 105, and mths 109, are linked with required supplemental courses. For example, if you register for mths 102 you will also be required to register for mths 102S. These supplemental courses are credit/no credit courses (do not recieve letter grades).

Two Ways to Study Pre-calculus Algebra and Trigonometry

The course math 143 covers pre-calculus algebra and trigonometry. This same material is also covered in the two courses math 109 (or the content equivalent mths 109), pre-calculus algebra, and math 110, pre-calculus trigonometry. If you want to take math 270, Calculus I, then you need credit for either math 143 or for both math 109 (or the content equivalent mths 109) and math 110.

If your major requires math 250, a survey of calculus, instead of math 270, then you may use math 105 (or the content equivalent mths 105) to satisfy the prerequisite.

Selection of a Calculus Course

We offer two versions of calculus.

math 270

The mathematically rigorous version is the sequence math 270, math 301, and math 302. The prerequisite for math 270 is: an ACT math score of 28 or higher; an ALEKS PPL score of 76 or higher; credit (grade of C or better) for math 109 (or the anternate mths 109) and math 110; or, credit (grade of C or better) for math 143.

Note: Trigonometry is essential for math 270. If you place into math 270, but have not had a thorough trigonometry course, then you are strongly encouraged to enroll in math 110.

math 250

The less mathematically rigorous survey version is math 250. The prerequisite for math 250 is an ACT math score of 25 or higher or credit (grade of C or better) for math 105 (or the content equivalent mths 105).