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500 Level Sequences

Master of Science Students

All Master of Science students must complete at least one of the 500-level graduate sequences listed below.

A student using a particular sequence to fulfill the sequence requirement for a Master of Science degree in mathematics must receive grades of A or B in both semesters of that sequence, or pass the written comprehensive exam for that sequence at the MS level. Transfer credit for these sequences will be awarded only to students who pass the written comprehensive exam for that sequence.

Doctor of Philosophy Students

A PhD student must complete (with a minimum grade of B in each semester) at least five of the 500-level graduate sequences listed below.

The sequences

Pure mathematics sequences:

  • MATH 535-536 Topology,
  • MATH 537-538 Algebraic Topology,
  • MATH 561-562 Linear Algebra,
  • MATH 565-566 Abstract Algebra,
  • MATH 573-574 Real and Functional Analysis,
  • MATH 575-576 Complex Analysis,

Applied mathematics sequences:

  • MATH 555-556 Numerical Analysis,
  • MATH 583-584 Ordinary Differential Equations,
  • MATH 595-596 Partial Differential Equations,

Statistics sequences:

  • STAT 521-522 Regression Analysis and Experimental Design,
  • STAT 523-524 Mathematical Statistics,
  • STAT 530-535 Linear Models and Multivariate Analysis.