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Doctoral Coursework

A PhD student must complete a minimum of seventy-two semester hours of credit beyond the Bachelor's degree. At least forty-eight of these semester hours must be in regular course work. At least twenty-four of these semester hours must be in dissertation research (MATH 699).

Course loads

In order to qualify as a full-time student, the Graduate School requires a graduate student to carry a minimum of 9 semester credit hours that count towards his or her degree program during a regular semester, and a minimum of 6 credit hours that count towards his or her degree program during a summer semester. The maximum course load a graduate student may enroll in is 16 credit hours during a regular semester, and 9 during a summer semester. There is no specific minimum for part-time students. The Graduate School also requires that a graduate fellow or assistant be a full-time student during any semester in which the fellowship or assistantship is held. More detailed information can be found in the Graduate Course and Credit Regulations subsection of the Graduate School section of the  Academic Catalog.

Graduate credit

A graduate student who is receiving financial support from the Department or University can only enroll in courses offered by the Mathematics Department (MATH and STAT courses). In special circumstances a student may ask for permission to enroll in courses offered by other departments, but only if they are directly relevant to the his or her research. The student must file a formal request with the Graduate Coordinator, indicating the rationale for enrolling in the course. The request must be accompanied by a written statement from the student's Major Professor supporting the request. Graduate students may receive credit for courses at the 400-level that are marked in the catalog with a G, indicating they provide graduate credit. They also receive graduate credit for courses at the 500- and 600-level. Specific requirements regarding credit hours above the 400-level are discussed below.

500-level graduate sequences

A PhD student must complete (with a minimum grade of B in each semester) at least five of the sequences listed on the 500-level graduate sequences page.


The restrictions described below are intended to prevent undesirable narrowness of exposure while fulfilling the 500-level graduate sequence requirement. As mentioned above a minimum grade of B is required for each semester.

A PhD student writing a dissertation in Applied Mathematics must take at least two sequences that are not Applied Mathematics sequences.

A PhD student writing a dissertation in Pure Mathematics must take at least one sequence that is not a Pure Mathematics sequence.

A PhD student writing a dissertation in Statistics must take at least three Statistics sequences and at least two sequences that are not Statistics sequences.

600-level courses

Our 600-level courses are special topics courses, associated with a corresponding 500-level sequence. In order to be enrolled in a 600-level course, the student must have passed the corresponding 500-level sequence with an A or B in both semesters; or have passed the corresponding written comprehensive examination; or have been admitted to candidacy and have the Major Professor endorse the decision to take the 600-level. The same 600-level course may be taken more than once for credit, provided the content of the course is different each time. In order for the Graduate School to recognize the credit, the title associated with the course must be different in each iteration taken by the student.

The MATH 699 and STAT 699 courses are special courses; students who are conducting research towards their PhD dissertation will generally enroll in the appropriate 699 course with their Major Professor. Enrolling in the 699 course does not preclude the student from taking other courses for graduate credit. A student must have completed the written comprehensive examination requirement in order to enroll in a 699 course.

MATH 591

MATH 591 is a special seminar that is offered every Fall; the seminar is intended for and required of students who will be teaching in our Department for the first time during the coming Academic year. The seminar will help students navigate the particulars of teaching at UL Lafayette (rules and procedures specific to the University and the Department), and also offer advice and help about teaching in general.